Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) dropped some interesting tidbits regarding the ongoing investigation into the Obama-era intelligence community and its actions during the 2016 US election.
In an appearance with Maria Bartiromo on Fox‘s Sunday Morning Futures, Ratcliffe said “Now we come up with evidence that’s recently been reported that one of the folks that John Durham talked to was an embassy official who reached out to George Papadopoulos three months before Crossfire Hurricane was ever opened,” adding “That’s a sign that John Durham is looking at the fact that this may include Obama administration officials beyond law enforcement, perhaps to include our intelligence community.”
As the Daily Caller‘s Chuck Ross noted in September of 2018, Special Counsel Robert Mueller interviewed US embassy official Terrence Dudley about his contacts during the 2016 election with Papadopoulos - several months before the FBI launched operation Crossfire Hurricane to officially investigate the Trump campaign.
Terrence Dudley, a former Navy commander who works with the Office of Defense Cooperation, told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Mueller’s office contacted him to discuss several meetings that he and a colleague had during the campaign with Papadopoulos.
The former Trump aide recently identified Dudley and his colleague, Greg Baker, in a tweet alleging that the pair were sent to spy on him on behalf of the U.S. government. -Daily Caller
(relevant portion starts at 7:15)
Ratcliffe also said that Durham is looking into conflicting statements between former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan regarding the Steele Dossier.
“Brennan says Comey was pushing the Steele dossier to be included in the intelligence community assessment. Comey says that it was Brennan that was pushing it. They both testified under oath, before Congress and to investigators, to that fact,” said Ratcliffe, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee.
“They both can’t be telling the truth.”
Ratcliffe knows…
— M3thods (@M2Madness) January 5, 2020
via zerohedge
Saw this interview and it does give me hope that the Obama Administration is going to be question on their role in trying to influence an election for Obama’s candidate, Hilary Clinton. Obama had to control the election because his legacy the Iran Deal was not completed. And how could he allow an “outsider” to come in, who Obama knew would see this deal as a terrible deal for America.
Obama’s “deep state” operatives, Comey, Brennen, Yates, Strzok, Page, The Ohrs, Lynch, Biden were on a mission to control the election. And then after the election, to make it so hard for the transition of the duly-elected President that we are still feeling it today 3 years later.
Seeing the outrage of the Democrats regarding the killing of an Iran Military operative, Nancy Pelosi writing a resolution to stop President Trump interfering with Iran, Schumer dragging Menendez out of his hole he was hiding in with their letter, and this impeachment scam truly shows Obama’s hands all over this.
Obama’s “deep state” MUST be made to answer for their actions to this as it’s done MAJOR damage to the United States of America, and trust in the FBI, CIA, DOJ. The duly-elected President should NOT be interfered with when He is implanting HIS foreign policy. That’s all this is. Obama working hard to keep HIS foreign policy to Iran in effect by deliberately interfering and spying on a Republican candidate who became our duly-elected President.
Saw this melt down of Tucker regarding Iran. Regarding 9/11, to me it was the first time that I saw a Muslim country do something showing their hate. Yes it was Saudi Arabians terrorists who did this. Got lots of Muslim countries that hate us now. Yes understand your worry about your son, but you can blame Obama and his appeasement on the escalation of Islamic HATE for the USA who is an Ally to Israel.
Regarding “deep state” again you can blame Obama and the Republican Rinos, who would do anything to appease Muslims that hate us, to oust an Outsider. They are putting your Son in danger. But doubt your Son will be pulled into this because we actually have a Commander in Chief who will NOT allow Americans to die by the hands of hateful people, and this President has NOT lied to us. The reason for all this emotional BS is because the Democrats who want the President’s info before he does something so that they can warn their terrorist friends.
Regarding rich in Washington DC, it might have been wars in the past, now Democrats are getting rich by foreign entities to take over this Great Nation. Why do you think San Fran looks like a Third World Nation, and the borders are open and a wall not completed. It’s not President Trump, but the Democrats and Rinos who got paid WELL.
Will Durham also look into this Obama sheepish puppy as well? You know she was in the meeting with Obama, Biden, Lynch regarding what to do about President Trump. Even typed a memo about it. The only national security Rice was worried about was protecting Obama, Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and the rest for what they did to the USA while playing sheepish puppies for Iran terrorists.
If Durham does bring justice for America, showing what Rice helped do for Obama, it would be neat to put it on Netflex, lol.
lol, Schiffy Schiff had his chance to subpoena Bolton, but no Schiffy had to rush thru because President Trump was a clear and present danger”. So now he wants to subpoena Bolton to the House?
What a complete moron. For three years he’s been chasing this conspiracy theory and we have paid plenty. His impeachment scam articles are still being help by Nancy Pelosi because there is NOTHING there.
Spin, spin, spin. And more wasted time while our borders are still open, half the Country looks like a third world nation because of all the illegal aliens, the homeless, the drugs, etc. And this idiot who is on the Intelligence Committee (now THAT”S a laugh) and his Democratic ilk all want to support Obama’s legacy for Iran, and continue getting their kickbacks from Ukraine while America bleeds because of their inaction.