Home Politics Big Tech to Ban Trump Next? CNN Labels President ‘Dangerous’

Big Tech to Ban Trump Next? CNN Labels President ‘Dangerous’


Not long after labelling Alex Jones ‘dangerous’ prior to his Facebook ban, CNN has similarly called President Trump ‘dangerous,’ which suggests the Big Tech/MSM cartel wants to ban Trump from social media as well.

CNN’s Brian Stelter called Trump the “Infowars president” after he retweeted videos from Paul Joseph Watson and Millie Weaver over the weekend, as reported on Sunday.

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But later on in an email newsletter, Stelter called the president’s tweets “dangerous,” accordingto the Washington Free Beacon.

“Trump legitimizing Infowars is dangerous,” the newsletter reportedly said. “Sometimes, we tend to dismiss Trump’s Twitter activity as not mattering much. But it does. Think about this: The President of the United States worked in the last couple of days to legitimize and promote Infowars, while simultaneously working to delegitimize credible news organizations.”

“This weekend’s tweets from the president were not only morally repugnant, they were dangerous…”

Keep in mind that CNN cheerleaded the purge of Alex Jones, so it isn’t a stretch to suggest that CNN is now targeting the ‘dangerous’ president for removal from social media or, at the very least, demanding more shadow banning of Trump’s tweets.

Also, keep in mind that the corporate media attacks Trump more than Alex Jones, so what’s stopping them from targeting him next?

And what better way than to cost Trump the 2020 election by restraining his presence on social media? He won the presidency in no small part by reaching Americans directly while bypassing the filter of mainstream media.

Do you agree or disagree with CNN that Trump is evil for retweeting this video?

via infowars


  1. And Facebook, and Twitter, and Google. Maybe not Tweeter.
    They are protected from law suits, from what I hear. They should be subject to law suits like everybody else.

  2. chuck schmuer was right when he said president trump couldn’t win against the liberal news organizations. these communist news reporters are a menace to the american people and should be shut down.

  3. has any one in their life time sen such a pitiful bunch of morons that are running on the communist liberal democratic party ticket. liberal brains are running in reverse.

  4. CNN has to go! They tried everything to rig the election for Clinton and when that failed they set their sights on taking down the duly elected President through a pattern of lies and vicious attacks! What they are doing is treason! Trying to overthrow an elected President is TREASON! It is CNN and their sisters in media that is dangerous!

  5. In all the comments above mine, how many of you are still buying on Amazon, watching shit on Netflix, checking your Fakebook page and searching on Google?
    When you can give all those commie - run businesses the boot and if you must replace them with a company who is at least less destructive, then we can shut these commies down. Check their financials, their income statements. Some aren’t doing too well and could be bankrupted pretty easily.

    If everyone on own side gave up Amazon and bought from WalMart and ebay, Amazon would fold up in a month or two. Netflix has already been on the “ropes” a couple of years ago, but I spose lots of you went back to them.

    You should remember, ten years ago none of these companies were much of anything. They can all be brought down.

  6. ATTENTION: CNN and all other liberal sites need to check where their income comes from. If Conservatives aren’t supporting your website, then tell us how good the dems/libs are doing in providing enough support to be sustained. As a Christian Conservative, guess where my money goes? LOL Yep, I might read your propaganda day in and day out, but I don’t support liberal media in any way. EVER! Like more than 60% of Americans, I support that Trump IS our POTUS and it’s because WE voted for him. If you are in the business of making money, then regardless if you agree or not, you would aquiece and promote a more Conservative point of view than the self-hating dems/libs. Those who buckle based on what the government will do for them and not near as loyal as those who support morals, doing the right thing, getting off one’s butt and going to work, supporting your kids, ashamed of being anything less than a good provider (whether of yourself or your family), Loyal to our US Constitution, and supportive of whoever is in office. I never wanted to see obama fail even though I didn’t support him. Those who refuse to support Trump will easily deny the rights of those who are Conservatives. How is it; FB, YT, IG and other liberal sites can determine for the entire population what is right and what is wrong? You think much too highly of yourselves. Cut me off. I don’t care, I am on the streets everyday and sharing my views and there are so many who are beginning to change the way they think - just because oh how social media treats the Conservatives. Take some time to think about this. Would you rather depend on welfare recipients to support you or those of us who have worked all our lives to provide for our families and haven’t fallen back on our “other” citizens (tax dollars) to take care of us? Just what the hell do you actually support? More dependence or more self-providing, working, successful family? You need to pick between the two because you are looking very bad right now.

  7. Egad. This is ridiculous. Do you all think the Earth is flat, too? That vaccines cause autism? That Hillary is running a pedophilia ring out of a non-existent basement in a pizzaria in D.C.? PLEASE!

    There is no Deep State! There are patriotic, concerned civil servants who recognize that Trump is a direct threat to the rule of law, and are trying to keep our Republic intact against all his assaults.

    Sheesh. Do you not understand that a Free Press is vital to a robust nation? Are you not aware that Fox “News” went to court a few years back so they could LEGITIMIZE that they report primarily opinion, and that FACTS are entirely OPTIONAL in their stories? They are OFFICIALLY NOT a journalistic news outlet; they are an entertainment enterprise, and they excel at it. One would think the fact that they are the ONLY major network who are still pretending Trump isn’t the evil, narcissistic troll he really is would count for something. But apparently not.

    • LOL… your blather isn’t worth a reply but I am continually amazed at the amount of liberals that spout your loathsome rhetoric… it truly is a mental disorder…

  8. Trump needs to close down all social media that bans conservative voices…maybe people wii talk to each other again….


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