Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com,
In the new age of censorship, bias, manipulation, and propaganda, Americans have somewhat started to fall for it all a little less. Now, average Americans think of the media as more destructive than banks and corporations – and that trend isn’t likely to reverse anytime soon, as the government continues to use the media to push their agenda.
“Cultural Schizophrenia”: US Media No Longer Reports Facts, But Appeals To Emotions
Based on the conclusions to a RAND Corporation study, the mainstream media is actively sowing discord in American society, award-winning journalist Chris Hedges tells RT. The media is focusing on making two sides hate each other instead of reporting on the facts, and the majority of the public is unaware and doesn’t care that their minds are being manipulated by their own emotional responses. –SHTFPlan
This should not come as a surprise to anybody. A recent survey has revealed that most Americans believe that the news media, more than any other institution, have a negative impact on their country. The findings are hardly surprising, according to media analyst Lionel. Considering most the “news” is full of propaganda and mind manipulation tactics, it is refreshing to see Americans balk at the media.
Conducted by the Pew Research Center, the poll found that 64 percent of Americans believe that the media has a damaging effect on the United States – making them more loathed than other often-demonized institutions such as banks (39 percent) and large corporations (53 percent), according to a report about the poll done by RT.
“The media are not here to provide information… so that you can make intelligent decisions. No, that’s not what the media are. The media are corporate tools,” Lionel said.
And it isn’t just the media taking a beating, but all of the establishment including corporations and government. It seems like Americans, whether they want to admit it or not, are finally realizing they don’t want to be controlled and enslaved. It’s a good sign that humanity is awakening to what those in power are doing to the rest of us.
via zerohedgefinance
About approximately 85% of the U.S. MSM is virtually an auxiliary of the Demo-Socialist Party in the U.S.A. That Leftist propaganda arm is responsible, via print, TV, and radio, for propagandizing those who place Socialist networks as their best sources of national, political, information.
That approximately 85% is responsible for poisoning the atmosphere of the U.S.A., far more than “global warming.” It is what brought the Demo-Socialist Party into belief that the U.S. Constitution should be nullified out of existence. The former Soviet Union, which broke up with its prime nation of the batch, reviving its former Czarist name of Russia, also has a “Constitution” which is in a glass case in a hall of the Kremlin. If an American will ever mention our Constitution to a Russian, the American will be told “We Russians have a Constitution too”. And, yes…they do. I suspect because the U.S.A. has one which is our reference every day the U.S. government meets, debates, or what have you. Do the Russians also operate within “its Constitution?” I believe not, because it surely has the number of consecutive presidential terms allowed in such Constitution. But, President Putin seems to have a lock on his presidency…maybe for life? No, it “AIN’T” like ours by our Founding Fathers. It founding came, courtesy of the Communist Party, and no, it’s nothing like the real U.S. Constitution! It’s there in the Kremlin, on display, to assure Russians that they’re not missing anything, in case they need assurance.
I would believe 85-90 % of the media is bias in their so-called reporting of the news, but the word of their inconsistent lack of truth is expanding amongst listeners is dwindling in the polls. And those polls I believe to be more accurate then election polls. Spreading false narrative will eventually come back around and take a big wet bite out of your ash. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS should have learned this by now, but people can be stubborn and blind to facts when they want or brain-wash themselves into believing.
Fox is beginning to atrophy. That is worrisome.
Article states that the MSM is making us hate the other side. Sorry, I have been hating democrats since the 1960 when I got “woke”. I was only 14 when LBJ helped JFK win the presidential race by counting thousands of dead Mexican voters here in Texas and the stupid, spineless GOP wouldn’t do squat about it.
That’s when I began to learn that a shadow government was in control and I hated everything they did and are.
social media and dnc leaders are Americas enemies