Home Politics Comey Subpoenaed, Demands Public Testimony

Comey Subpoenaed, Demands Public Testimony


Former FBI Director James Comey announced over Twitter on Thursday that he has been subpoenaed by House Republicans.

He has demanded a public testimony (during which legislators would be unable to ask him questions pertaining to classified or sensitive information), saying that he doesn’t trust the committee not to leak and distort what he says.

“Happy Thanksgiving. Got a subpoena from House Republicans,” he tweeted “I’m still happy to sit in the light and answer all questions. But I will resist a “closed door” thing because I’ve seen enough of their selective leaking and distortion. Let’s have a hearing and invite everyone to see.”

In October Comey rejected a request by the House Judiciary Committee to appear at a closed hearing as part of the GOP probe into allegations of political bias at the FBI and Department of Justice, according to Politico.

“Mr. Comey respectfully declines your request for a private interview,” said Comey’s attorney, David Kelly, in a repsonse to the request.

The Judiciary Committee, chaired by Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) didn’t appreciate Comey’s response.

We have invited Mr. Comey to come in for a transcribed interview and we are prepared to issue a subpoena to compel his appearance,” said a committee aide.

Goodlatte invited Comey to testify as part of a last-minute flurry of requests for high-profile Obama administration FBI and Justice Department leaders, including former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. He threatened to subpoena them if they didn’t come in voluntarily. -Politico

The House committee has been investigating whether overwhelming anti-Trump bias with in the FBI and Department of Justice translated to their investigations of the President during and after the 2016 US election.

via zerohedge


  1. WE do NOT trust you either but YOU ARE the one that COVERED UP FOR KILLARY!!! YOU should be hooked up to a LIE DETECTOR in PUBLIC HEARING and a SHOCK COLLAR!! A$$HOLE!!!

  2. Comey is in no position to “demand” anything. He is a private citizen these days who is a suspect in a national cover up and possible election fraud. The fact that a subpoena had to be issued means he lost any right he had to demand terms of his testimony.

  3. Wow, a lying coward, you hardly see any of those in the demoncrat party, NOT. Answer behind closed doors, puke, there are many things you must answer to and for. Grow a set, you did the crimes own up.

  4. Comey is a private citizen who is irrelevant to the American people he doesn’t deserve any consideration he has to testify before the house he lied and tried save the Evil Doer clinton lock them both up.

  5. Please explain how you can DEMAND anything. You were in the group creating this Russia Trump Mess. Covering up for Hillary. Destroying evidence that could/would have got her on the way to wearing strips. How many lives did Comey and his “friends” destroy because of their abuse of power.

  6. I understand your point. Makes seance. If he has to do it behind doors there should be people that he and the committee trusts to be there as witness.

  7. For the former head of the FBI whose every directive and misuse of power was from behind closed doors th not want a closed hearing because they could ask confidential inf questions, and only want an open hearing where half of the pertinent questions would be forbidden is the heights of hypocrisy. He should be on trial for malfeasance of office where everything could be aired.

  8. Tell everyone you know that cares this. The real reason Comey and anyone else under subpoena would want an open hearing because with it open, they could say” I can’t answer that question because it’s classified”
    With a closed door session the cannot hide ANYTHING. We DO want a closed door session. Don’t fall for that again. It worked for them last time.

  9. “But I will resist a ‘closed door’ thing because I’ve seen enough of their selective leaking and distortion. Ignorant klutz, all leaks have originated from Dumbascrap Party cabal members — his own corrupt party — and not from the Republican Side. Subpoena his sorry lyin’ azz for a close door hearing, then have President Trump declassify his testimony for release to the public…

  10. Fing crooked punk doesn’t get it isn’t burger king when your supened
    They should hold the hearing in Gitmo with him standing in a bucket of salt water with his privates hooked to wires and a reostat

  11. Oh he doesnt trust our Goverment??? We are suppose to believe what he say’s????Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Lock his Ass up now!!!!

  12. Oh he doesnt trust our Goverment??? We are suppose to believe what he say’s????Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Lock him up now….

  13. If ANYBODY leaks and distorts…that WOULD BE Comey…our most recent songbird!

    Who does Comey think he is anyway? How DARE he demand a public hearing? We the People need to interrogate this dishonorable songbird…and in private too. Just let him try and grandstand behind closed doors!

  14. House Subpoenas are a joke… Nobody pays attention to them … And those who ignore them are never prosecuted. That said, Comey is a big fat joke. The guy should never have been in charge of any aspect of the DOJ. No one takes him seriously… The House needs to grow some teeth and punish those who blow them off. Furthermore, those who are subpoenaed never should be given the authority to determine what venue he or she should testify in… Their only job should be to raise their hand to the square and promise to tell the truth in whatever venue the Committee requires that is reasonable.

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