Home Social It Begins: Hawaii Stores Empty Out On Coronavirus "Panic Buying"

It Begins: Hawaii Stores Empty Out On Coronavirus "Panic Buying"


Hawaii is urging residents to prepare for a potential breakout of Covid-19 amid new warnings earlier this week from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the deadly virus quickly spreading across the world could cause a “significant disruption” to American life.

Although there are no confirmed virus cases in Hawaii (the state Health Department says 80 people are self-monitoring for the coronavirus in Hawaii after recent travel to China), the CDC’s warning sparked a buying frenzy among residents this week as they emptied store shelves of food and supplies.

Twitter handle @zoeywoeyzoey said, “Hawaii Sam’s club is sold out of toilet paper hand sanitizer alcohol.”

KHON Honolulu said flatbed carts “were overflowing with boxes of canned goods, bottled water, toilet paper, and paper towels” at Costco’s Iwilei location.

“The essentials toilet paper, paper towels, bottles of water, soap, a lot of Clorox stuff, cleaning supplies… I figure with all the coronavirus scare and everything, it’s better to be safe than sorry,” said Honolulu resident Keane Zakimi.

Hawaii Foodbank told KHON that residents are panic buying non-perishable foods and medical masks. They said the same fear that is seen in Asia has now spread to Hawaii.

“If there’s no inventory at the store, then there’s very little for stores to donate to the Foodbank and also at home if you’re stocking up and hoarding for your family, the last thing you’re thinking about is making a donation. It impacts us in a very great way,” said Hawaii Foodbank President Ron Mizutani.

Honolulu Star-Advertiser said retailers across the state are experiencing shortages of 3M N95 masks. We noted last month that masks were selling out across the US. Prices of the masks have doubled or tripled since mid-January.

It’s only a matter of time before a virus case is confirmed in the state, and this could lead to an epic bust of its top industry: tourism, resulting in a recession for the island economy.

via zerohedge


  1. Coronavirus is not a political issue. Saving lives are. Democrats support the President and get off his back. Because he supports America! Us! We The People!!256R

    • Ideally, that would be true, Sue Williams. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with Demmunists, EVERYTHING is a political issue, and they will use ANY AND EVERYTHING they can get their slimy claws on to overturn the results of the 2016 elections and ensure that the American people NEVER choose another President without their approving of the candidate! It’s not like they give a DAMN about this country, OR its people! They do NOT, and would HAPPILY destroy this country and kill half its inhabitants in the bargain, just as long as when the dust settled, THEY got to rule over the RUINS. And yes, they ARE that bat-guano CRAZY and POWER-MAD.

      • No JoAnn that’s the RETARDican party, going back 50 years the RETARDicans have controlled 30 of those years, now that’s the definition of political power control.

        • To: Trump’s going to jail-first of all, your name already gives up the level of your TDS. The rabid democrat mob (including their equally rabid mainstream media), has spent the past 4 yrs trying EVERYTHING to find ANYTHING to impeach and/or jail President Trump and have come up w/ ABSOLUTE ZERO. If you were a thinking person, you would question why. It’s because your corrupt party is desperate to hide their numerous crimes, but they can’t ’cause DJT is innocent and will soon be exposing them for the evil, soulless, rotten scum that they are. And idiots like you support them, even though they do nothing for you. They want to replace you with illegal aliens who are already getting benefits that YOU don’t get, but you’re paying for. Why, you fool? It’s YOUR party who is openly campaigning for communism. You are so ill-informed and ignorant, you shouldn’t even be allowed to vote.

    • Yeah Sue he sure does support we the people, that’s why he cut funding for the CDC, Medicare, Medicade, ACA, and massive tax cuts to the 1% for just a case like this a world changing event to happen and blame it all on Pelosi and the Democrats.
      That’s why he stood up in front of America and declared Nancy Pelosi created the Coronavirus to use against him, yeah that’s not political at all.
      My question is Sue how long have you been blind deaf and retarded?

      • Get your story strait and quit listening to CNN. Trump did not cut these programs although they need to be cut some to get the graft out which is mostly dumbocrats. On the 1% tax cut, have you ever worked for a poor man?

      • Obama cut cdc. Trump increased it. Stop listening to the lies of the little boys who cried wolf. Demos also against closing down entry to those affected with virus in January. Remember ? Demons calling in trump virus started in China. What a bunch of lying dip shi—

        • President Trump said to Judge Jeanine Pirro that “If you worship and praise Me and make Me your Personal Lord and Savior, I will worship and praise your PRETTY BIG LIPS, LIPSTICK, SMILE and EARRINGS honeybun. I love your nice rosie and sweet big pink lips Jeanine sweetheart and you need to be my fiancee’ honey” as Trump mentioned to Pirro and this is Good News Gospel of Trump and Pirro! Next week, I plan to preach a sermon on how Pirro and Trump would have a SUPERGOOD RELATIONSHIP THAT IS 100% REPUBLICAN CHRISTIAN. This will be good for America too!

    • It would be better if Frump weren’t asking for cuts to CDC and have already cut the staffing. It would also help if he would open his head and stop saying things like the virus will go away in April when it gets warmer.

    • Poor White Boy funny you mention that, this morning I took a healthy Trumpzilla wiped my Melania with some Ivanka flipped the handle and sent Donnie Boy Eric and Von Barron to the city cess pool “AKA SEWAGE PLANT”. LMAO!!!!!

      • Trump’s going to jail, when you look at your shit in the toilet, remember it’s the same color as your communist coon Barry O. Sio when you pull the handle, it’s just your communist coon going into the septic tank, where he belongs.

  2. Considering what HAVOC the coronavirus is wreaking on our stock market and economy with its “supply chain disruptions” and other side effects, you have to wonder if some DEMMUNIST in a lab somewhere did not INVENT the damned thing, precisely to do what they CANNOT DO: Defeat Pres. Trump in a “fair” election!

    • JoAnn let’s see Trumpzilla declared a trade war with China, except for clothing didn’t want to hurt IVANKA’S clothing coming out of China anyway, the Coronavirus is known to come from China, but yeah some Democrat somewhere started all this, you don’t by chance listen to all the conspiracy theories perpetrated on some radical right Religious news feed like Fake Fox or that Islamic channel OAN, maybe Rush Limbaugh warned you, oh oh oh I know Sean Hannity filled your head with brainwashing propaganda so easy to fool the gullible retards like you, simple minds, simple sheep, simple cult followers, simple trumpzines, simple neanderthals.

    • TYo: JoAnn Graham
      Yeah, it’s all those demmunists that work in China. Get you head out of your a** and shouting the party line. Frump’s actions have left us behind the ball on this. And Pence “leading the response”? Big joke.

  3. Breaking News!!!!
    On the bright side of the volatility in the markets these past few days, the manufactures of the Orange flavored KOOL-AID are reporting record sales.

  4. Hawaiian democrats have started an unwarranted panic. Democrats have politicized the Corona virus in an attempt to undermine President Trump. It’s the old Rahm Emanuel mantra, Don’t let a crisis go to waste, when you can use it against the President.

  5. When you have people like Pop His Gums Sehumer and Wave Her Arms Pelosi at the helm what do you get the same message it’s Trump’s fault this is happening.S

  6. Please, don’t be so gullible, and fall for this new “coronavirus” BS. It’s a bad cold! Stop with the panic! It’s not freaking Ebola. We got through the bird flu, swine flu, zika virus, Y2K, 2012, etc. to name a few. This is just some newly created panic junk to push on brainwashed people EVERY single year!! Less than one/1000th of people on the planet have contracted it in more than a month, 99.5% get over it, and the few extremely sick that don’t survive would have died from a stubbed toe! Don’t get quarantined, because you need to be out in the sunshine everyday for the vitamin D to heal more quickly! Also, if you get it, or any other cold or flu, drink plenty of fluids, take your multi-vitamins, especially extra vitamin C, take some elderberry syrup also, get some sunshine, and for God’s sake, please don’t spread it by sneezing and coughing all over other people, and keep your hands regularly washed and away from your face! (By the way, I’m a BSN for over 25 years)!

  7. why are the demcorates not talking about the south border. mexico has its first case of this virus . and the way it is set up down there . now there will be a new push to come to the u.s . /. we don’t have any cases. THAT WILL BRING THEM ACROOS THE BORDER . EVEN THE ONES THAT HAS THE VIRUS. AND BY THE TIME WE KNOW IT THERE WILL BE HURNDERS INFECTED . AND EVERY ONE WILL BE ON THE BACKS OF THE DNC . AND WHEN THIS DOES HAPPEN. BEING A DEMCORATE WILL NOT BE A GOOD THING.

  8. Now is the time to really understand guarding our borders. Imagine the virus coming in from all over the world through Mexico, when we get thru this horrible scary event, lessons should be learned and remembered. Democrats shut the h..l up and work on helping ALL Americans.

  9. Many tourists in Hawaii, lots of Asians. They should be concerned. Our media is instigating this panic. Shameful. What has happened to our country? I have faith in our country, I have faith in our President, I have faith in God. Stop the panic. OMG, this is 2020, not 1918.

  10. My grandson lives in Hawaii and said that is not a true statement, it is sensationalism (I call it a lie to cause panic). Can it happen, of course; but, if it has not, do not cause people to go crazy.

  11. Someone who stated “Trump’s going to jail” in this forum has shown their true intelligence. IQ of absolute zero. The verbiage is childish drivel and created by someone who couldn’t identity the sausage he was eating was actually his own turd. Better not keep flushing your dinner down the toilet otherwise you won’t have anymore crap to spew from your diseased mouth.

    • Mikey
      Why do you Obfuscate?
      Mikey you seem to be so Mendacious!
      Pretty much anything you post is Otiose.
      I can tell you’re Bellicose.
      I noticed you like to Elide, but what do I know my IQ according to you is 0.
      I sure made you Irascible, didn’t I now.
      Mikey you’re just like you’re supreme communist leader a poltroon and obstreperous, but that’s just an observation from someone with a IQ of 0.
      Have a nice day Mikey and come back when you can have a conversation with an adult that according to you has a low IQ, and stop being Rumbumptious.

      • Check out the big brain on TGTJ! What a genius! He can read a thesaurus! Or maybe just googles it! Brilliant! Do you honestly impress people with this? 😀 Goes to show what kind of easily impressed clowns you hang with. 😆😆😀😁

  12. Nancy and the other democrats have gone all hyper over the corona virus even though the impact on the United States as so far has been minimal. They express great concern about controlling and preventing the spread of the contagion. The fact is we do have the means of identifying people that are potentially contagious from the virus. These people enter the United States on commercial transportation systems at official points of entry. Our weak point is our southern boarder. We don’t know how many contagious people are entering the United States from the south, who they are or where they are. And yet Nancy and company have shown no concern for this potential threat.

  13. Trumps going to jail: The Bidens are the ones making billion dollar deals with China and Ukraine. You can’t even come up w/ a single crime DJT has committed, so all you can do is name call and rave like a mindless puppet. Really? That’s all you got? Talking vulgar, childish nonsense about shit? how old are you? Twelve? Ten? God, you’re good for nothing! But that’s to be expected from a do-nothing democrat. And just like a typical democrat, you throw big words around and think that proves how smart you are. I’m actually constantly surprised at how ignorant most of you are. You can’t carry on a decent argument and all of you just swear and rant. Why is that? Never mind, I’m done trying to reason with you meat puppet “intellectuals” 😆.
    I don’t really care, ’cause guess what? You’re going to LOSE big in November, so rave all you want, loser. Ha,ha,ha,haaaaaa!!!

  14. “In the field of psychology, the Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority comes from the inability of low-ability people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awereness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence of incompetence”.
    In other words for simple minded morons like J Brock and so many more of you retarded retardicans, you’re all too dumb to know how dumb you people really are.
    P. S. Some of you people have said I’m rude, offensive, vulgar, disrespectful, and have a low IQ, I’m truly sorry if I offended you J Brock, and all you retarded retardicans but I truly had no idea you morons had the ability to read and write, let alone have cognitive ability.
    Yours truly T. G. T. J.

    • OMG. Still trying to impress with your lame ass, pathetic intellectual prowess. 😆 Trust me, you’re only proving how brainwashed and ignorant you are. Yeah, we know about your sad little tricks, like projection, so save it for fools who fall for it. You back a party who’s forcing insanity on the rest of us who know better, like killing full-term babies and teaching our children such wholesome things like anal and oral sex. What is wrong with you, you pathetic, sick waste of humanity? Thank God your party’s going to lose. You got that, loser? There’s no room in this country for sick disgusting perverts like you.

      • There you go j Brock the Neanderthal fight back with vulgarity, hate, jealousy, ignorance, childish remarks you’re only showing your stupidity, what’s the matter can’t debate in intellectual terms, no writing ability above a grade schooler, no cognitive ability or thinking, just spew more garbage you hear from Fake Fox or Rush bozo Limbaugh you sound just like them that’s why they target you you’re too dumb to know right from wrong a lie from the truth, come on tough guy show us some more of your Neanderthal language and I thought you cave men died out many thousands of years ago but here you are proving neanderthals still exist.

        • Projecting again? The mere fact that you call what I’ve mentioned fake news, just goes to show how ill-informed you truly are. Look up the sexual programs they’ve implemented in our schools. It’s common knowledge. What about Drag Queen Story Time? You’re all for having your kids exposed to that? I repeat, you’re a disgusting pervert. That’s not an insult. Merely a statement of fact. So what is your stance on full term abortion? And if you’re all for it, please tell me why? And what about open borders? How about illegal aliens being given free health care, ebt cards, housing assistance, paid for with our tax dollars? Are you ok with that, while American citizens who need help are passed over? What is the reason behind that? And why aren’t you concerned with the dirty dealings of the Bidens and Pelosi in Ukraine? What about Adam Schiff and his affiliation with “Liddle Kidz”? Are you ok with anal and oral sex being taught to our children or are you just ignorant of this fact? This is not fake news. If you would bother to research any of this, you’d know. But you think you know everything, so why should you bother to look into any of this, right? You’re a clown. A ridiculous pompous clown. Do some research. Then maybe you’d have something intelligible to say.


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