President Donald Trump just explained why he didn’t inform House Intelligence Committee Chairman about the al-Baghdadi raid, and it doesn’t look good for Schiff.
“I said what I do and that I mean” Now onto #Schiff
“A leaker like no ones seen before” “Biggest leaker in Washington” “I’ve watched #AdamSchiff leak” “A corrupt politician” #Trump is in a good mood. @MSNBC pic.twitter.com/w0p1ck1QGz— Bernie Connor (@BernieConnor9) October 28, 2019
Pres says he didn't give advance notice of the raid to House Intell Chair @RepAdamSchiff, because he considers Schiff "the biggest leaker in Washington." pic.twitter.com/L5IA9pjy0I
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) October 28, 2019
Think President Trump made the right decision here.
We all know that House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington, as the President suggested.
Lots of support for the President:
When you realize:
Pelosi and Schiff were just in Jordan trying to undermine Trump’s Syria cease-fire
Dianne Feinstein repeatedly met with Iranian officials
John Kerry has tried to undermine Trump’s Iran policy for 3 years
…It makes sense why Trump kept Democrats in the dark
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 28, 2019
Sooo… Schiff has lied multiple times about Trump by making up the Ukraine transcript, saying he saw evidence of Russian collusion, etc AND leaked to the media…
And now he whines that Trump won't tell him about secret military operations… he's truly insane, right?
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) October 27, 2019
If Schiff or Pelosi would have been told about the Baghdadi operation (which wasn't required), they would have leaked to the media, held a press conference that Trump was going to screw it up, and Baghdadi would have gotten away.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) October 27, 2019
What do you think?
Did the President do the right thing by keeping Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff in the dark about the al-Baghdadi operation?
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Our President is too smart to inform scheiskopf schiff or Alzheimer’s pelosi of anything, much less of a critical operation. schiff, the liar of liars, would have loved to spill the beans on the operation just to thwart the President, the Free World, and America of a critical move that benefits the whole globe.
Adam Schiff is being bankrolled by evil George Soros, whose son is married to Schiff’s sister, to take down our duly-elected president. Why hasn’t Soros been evicted from our country and sent back to where he came from? He knows they don’t want him there either and will probably indict him for all his evil deeds.
You can’t trust the dems anymore for all we know they may be part of isis they seem to hate America and hate a man that’s trying to make it great again they need to be on a need to know basis and they didn’t need to know
I agree with Charlie Kirk. The demonrats went over to Syria to do who knows what. The way they act, the things they say, and the lack of respect for our POTUS and the country, they’re probably in league with terrorists who want to see this country ruined.
They fight to keep the borders open. They take money from despicable groups, countries and people, like George Soros. They’re blaming Trump for all the bad things they did in the Ukraine.
If a demonrat speaks, it’s either a lie, or an admission of guilt being thrown onto others. Anything they blame on Trump is something they are already doing, or have done.
I don’t blame Trump for keeping any of the demonrats in the dark. That’s where they belong.
what a sorry bunch of loser,s i was a dem wit at one time but after watching my country being over run by out sider,s and the dem,s taking my money and spending it on them instead of we the one,s that pay the bill.s around here ol hillary in bed with big farma oboma giving away billions to bad countrys after he skimmes a few million of the top being taxed to death no job,s because they let corp,s move the job.s to china n mexico then some how they get a peace of it pay off,s shiffty shiff dum bo polosi aoc 3 years of fake news cia fbi crooks working for them trump,s the man so bow down you loser,s
Telegraph, telephone, television, tella Democrat and everyone will know. One thing is certain I sleep incredibly well knowing Donald J Trump occupies the White House.
The only way that will happen is for the American public to wake up to what is happening with the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and get out and VOTE on election day.
I wouldn’t tell Schiff if I was going to a girl scout meeting much less something this important. All the Demoncrats are america haters.
Impeach Schiff and Pelosi then the House……….
The Demoncratic Cartel is the worst ally the US could have. Schiff and Pelosi we just over there trying to stir Schitt up. They should be prohibited from traveling on Taxpayer money. John Kerry and most of the Cartel should be arrested for treason. Trump should set them up and let something slip and when they leak it then arrest them and put them in front of a firing squad.
The Dems ARE BAGHDADI and should be treated as he was…..
Okay but WHY did the DNC do it since 2013 and in 2015 to get trump ??????
Still - I’m going to wait until Barr and Durham have finished and then Folks —- Civil war….The whole of DC and it’s swamp rats must be dealt with and it’ll be up to WE THE PEOPLE as usual…
Every Politician..
Every Judge
Every lawyer.
Every POS will and must have Justice served upon them…..
People MUST become “Citizens Arrest” or “BOUNTY HUNTER’ Knowledgeable…..
The law permits this but they will claim people are nothing but vigilantes as usual….The system will not go after the scum….
_I was estatic hearing about the success of this latest raid and it was a good thing none of the demorats had any knowledge about it. it’s a forgone conclusion it would have been leaked to all of the fake news chanels, to give Baghdadi and assosiates time to get away before the raid hit them
It seems since the fake news chanels only report the made up versions of news tha negatively impact President Trump so chances are none of this will ever hit the media to show the American people any of the good your President is doing anyway.