Two weeks after former Chicago Mayor and Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “snot-nosed punk” chief-of-staff Saikat Chakrabarti are destroying the Democratic party, Chakrabarti and AOC’s communications director Corbin Trent have abruptly resigned from the Congresswoman’s office, according to The Intercept.
“Saikat has decided to leave the office of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez to work with New Consensus to further develop plans for a Green New Deal,” according to Trent, who added “We are extraordinarily grateful for his service to advance a bold agenda and improve the lives of the people in NY-14. From his co-founding of Justice Democrats to his work on the Ocasio-Cortez campaign and in the official office, Saikat’s goal has always been to do whatever he can to help the larger progressive movement, and we look forward to continuing working with him to do just that”
The 33-year-old Chakrabarti - a Harvard graduate and former Bernie Sanders organizer in 2016 - made headlines in June when he compared moderate Democrats to Southern Democrat segregationists in a now-deleted tweet.
In response, the official House Democrats Twitter account (operated by the office of Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)) slammed Chakrabarti after he tried to backpedal.
Last month, Chakrabarti also took heat for wearing a T-shirt featuring Nazi collaborator Subhas Chandra Bose.
In April, he came under fire for reportedly funneling over $1 million in political donations from two political action committees he founded into two of his own private companies. The allegation earned a campaign finance violation complaint with the Federal Election Commission, according to the Washington Examiner.
Chakrabarti founded a PAC called Brand New Congress in 2016, and another in 2017 called Justice Democrats which has the stated goal of helping to elect progressives to Congress.
Between 2016 and 2017 his PACs raised approximately $33 million - mostly from small donations, while the committees transferred over $1 million to two shell companies Chakrabarti controlled during the same time period. The shells were formed with similar names to the PACs; “Brand New Campaign LLC and Brand New Congress LLC” according to the Examiner report.
Lastly, AOC’s former right-hand-man revealed himself to be an opportunist when he said that her signature Green New Deal wasn’t actually about saving the environment - remarking to presidential candidate Jay Inslee’s climate director “it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all … we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”
via zerohedge
USA!USA!USA! Trump 2020 all the way ! Democrats just go away…far away !
That’s good news, maybe he will go back to India and help out there since there women still have babies on dirt floors and their doctors go abroad to practice medicine. With all his super duper liberal Harvard education maybe he can influence his government and people to stop sending frivolous rockets to the moon before the next natural disaster or famine.
Chakrabarti is a very good example of legal “invaders” who come here from countries like India and Pakistan (among others) who believe in large central government and no or weak property rights.
As we see they make very good communist agitators and should all be deported. And I don’t give a rats ass if they were born here or not.
Commie animals like him and his ilk do not have the same dream for America as we do. This has always been and will always be a country of white people who make it great. There are some non-whites who will work hard and better themselves and earn the rights to live here.
But parasites need to go. We don’t have any room for parasites. Be gone or we will eliminate you.
We will take care of them i f necessary.
glad to see it go hopefully far away
That fucker will still be involved behibd the scenes, calling all the shots.
AOC controls congress, Pelosi is Speaker in title only!
Butch August 3, 2019 at 4:50 pm
“Chakrabarti is a very good example of legal “invaders” who come here from countries like India and Pakistan (among others) who believe in large central government and no or weak property rights.
As we see they make very good communist agitators and should all be deported. And I don’t give a rats ass if they were born here or not.
Commie animals like him and his ilk do not have the same dream for America as we do. This has always been and will always be a country of white people who make it great. There are some non-whites who will work hard and better themselves and earn the rights to live here.
But parasites need to go. We don’t have any room for parasites. Be gone or we will eliminate you”.
I solidly support every sentiment aforementioned by Butch!!!! Communists/Socialists/Progressives need to be eliminated by whatever means possibly!! These philosophies are a direct anathema to the founding of this country and the basis of our “Representative Republic”…..”By the Republic, by which it stands”!!!
AOC and her Chief of Staff are thieves, they embezzled campaign funds. Where is the outrage by the media?
Will the GOP wake up and seek justice for this thief?
The whole SQUAD are corrupt, two of them are definitely Hamas who invaded congress.
There is no place for some one like him here all he wants is to destroy America.
he needs to leave and take the squad with him I don’t care where he goes as long as it is not here in America let him and his clowns destroy their selves .
I agree with the president let them go back to their own countries and fix their broken systems.
This guy and his puppets all need to go as far away as possible.
Plain and simple they all need to go .
All they are out to do is destroy our country and sit back and laugh when they have accomplished their dirty work .
The best way to stop a bug is to step on it .
Go go far away and don’t come back
Good comment.