Home Politics Mueller Agrees to Tentatively Testify Before House on May 15

Mueller Agrees to Tentatively Testify Before House on May 15


A top member of the House Judiciary Committee and Democratic leadership said Sunday an agreement has been reached for special counsel Robert Mueller to testify on May 15.

In a bombshell dropped at the end of an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., declared “We think the American people have a right to hear directly from him.”

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“A tentative date has been set for May 15 and we hope the special counsel will appear,” Cicilline said.

The Judiciary Committee has been seeking to hear from Mueller amid disagreements about whether Attorney General William Barr mischaracterized the special counsel’s report in his own congressional testimony and statements.

“The representative for the special counsel has” agreed, Cicilline said Sunday. “But, obviously, until the date comes, we never have an absolute guarantee.”

A spokesman for Mueller declined to comment, the Washington Post reported.

At issue is Mueller’s letter in March to Attorney General William Barr that reportedly complained his summary of the report “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of his work.

Last week, Barr fiercely defended his handling of the case before the Senate Judiciary Committ — denying he’d lied or misrepresented the Mueller report.

“I wasn’t hiding the ball,” Barr told Sen. Christopher Coons, D-Del., the Post reported.

via newsmax


  1. Here’s What I believe is a Huge Majority of People, AMERICANS want..for the DEMS the LEFT the Insane Delusional Collusion MINIONS to Take a LONG Walk Off a VERY SHORT PIER!! Preferably in CALIFORN-I-A! But, NJ, or NY Works! Any Piers in DC??

    • Oh & We Want Our 25 to 30 MILLION BACK! Along with all the REST of the MILLIONS & BILLIONS They Continue to SPEND on Kowtowing to ILLEGALS & For Life WELFARE..FAMILIES…Who’ve Never Been OFF once ON..Then Give It TO..Our OWN Legal Homeless & Hungry CITIZENS! IN Every Single State in Our Own COUNTRY..How about THAT For a START?


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