Home Politics Bernie Sanders: Strong Economy Due to 2008 ‘Rebound,’ Not Trump

Bernie Sanders: Strong Economy Due to 2008 ‘Rebound,’ Not Trump

Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks at rally in Fort Worth, Texas, Thursday, April 25, 2019. (AP Photo/Michael Ainsworth)

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., admitted the economy under President Donald Trump is “doing well” in a new interview, but said it’s part of a “rebound” from the 2008 recession — not a product of Trump’s policies.

“The economy is doing well. And I’m sure I don’t have to give Trump any credit. I’m sure he will take all the credit that he wants,” Sanders, a leading Democratic candidate for president, told ABC News.

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“But what we should also know is that what we are looking at is a 10-year rebound from the Wall Street crash of 2008.”

Sanders then took a shot at the 2017 tax cuts law, which Democrats have slammed as benefiting the wealthy and corporations.

“I do not believe Trump’s massive tax breaks for billionaires [are] the cause of the good economy,” he said.

“When you talk about good economy … talk to the workers who are making $9 an hour or $10 an hour. … The truth is that half of the people in this country today, despite the good economy, are living paycheck to paycheck — and millions of people are working two or three jobs just to put food on the table.”

In the most recent jobs report, unemployment was at a nearly 50-year low of 3.6%.

via newsmax


  1. I knew it’d only be a period of time before some lame-brain Dummycrat would claim that Obozo was responsible for the vast improvement in our economy. Leave to the rich, ultra-liberal, socialistic-loving Bernie to make this ridiculous assertion.

  2. You stupid liberal dem bloodsucking cretin, I moved three businesses to Costa Rica,when Obama was elected.
    3 months after Trump was elected I moved them back. Those building and grounds are still sitting there being maintained if Trump is not reelectd I’ll be back there before the next liberal dem bloodsucking parasites is in office

  3. Review the facts. Obama’s economic growth averaged 1.5%. The majority of Obama created jobs were minimum wage (food) service jobs (less than 30 hrs/wk to avoid providing healthcare benefits) which are intended to give high school kids some practical work experience and not intended to support a family of four or more. Obama was a Zero President because he accompanied Zero with the singular Obamacare disaster which attempted to federalize our healthcare industry.

  4. Lost my job during the Obama reign of terror…………Ha ha ha, Ha ha ha, Ha ha ha, Ha ha ha, Ha ha ha, Ha ha ha, Good Joke, Bernie, Dementia?????

  5. Bernie Sanders has to say ridiculous things like that or otherwise he’d be wrong…wouldn’t he? There’s an old motivational speaker named Zig Ziglar who used metaphorical analogies to illustrate a point. One was “cooked in the squat”, a phrase used by an old black cook down in Yazoo City, Mississippi that referred to biscuits that weren’t fluffy when they came out of the oven. She used to say, “Well, day squatted to rise, but before day did, day got cooked in da squat!”, and then she’d laugh. Well, don’t cha’ know?, the economy was squatting to rise with Obama but, “got cooked in the squat” and then rose after Trump was elected and doesn’t it just naturally follow then, that Obama’s Marxist ideology was the building block and Trump’s foolishness couldn’t stop Obama’s wonderful economic dynamics? Just this though…why isn’t the economy dipping under wretched Trump? Why, as Trump removes Obama’s industry killing regulations, does all this growth take place? Want the answer? A free capitalist, economic system is stifled by the government, not generated by it and only flourishes when the government controls are taken out of the way. The “Bern-job” wants to put government control back in…and that doesn’t make sense, does it?

  6. They’re so desperate. Dems/communists think we’re all stupid and can’t figure out that logical changes - doing away with stifling regulations and tax cuts - had nothing to do with it. Obama didn’t do that! He couldn’t figure out how to bring jobs back either - he said Trump thought he had a “magic wand”. I guess our President either has the magic wand Obama referred to OR he has the business sense to know the right moves toward a stronger economy rather than trying to stifle it purposely. MAGA. Trump 2020

  7. Simply put, Bernie is simply saying what his base wants to hear and pandering for the vote. He doesn’t believe most of the crap that he spouts. He is just placating the ignorant and disillusioned.

  8. The 2019 economy is the work of President Trump. But of course the insane still-Obama-ass-kissing DemocRATS will never admit it! TRUMP 2020

  9. Sanders looks like a kook and acts like a kook and he must have gotten rich by accident because there is no way on earth that a moron like this could do anything on his own . Any person that thinks the rebound in the economy was just waiting around for 8 years to unleash itself and it’s not because of tax cuts combined with taking away regulations that were keeping business from operating efficiently is just a liar or stupid or both . Bernie old man go back to the nursing home that you escaped from so that America can prosper , your time is past but then again your time never was you fool .

  10. i know the democrats hate trump and that is all they care about , but i did not think that their level of hate for trump would drive them into total loss of control that now that they finally have to admit how strong the economy is so they will spin the story to make it look like Obama started this . For over two years now they have been saying that trumps policies are destroying the economy , well you can’t have it both ways morons if it was trumps policies destroying the economy how can it now be Obama taking the credit .

  11. Bernie the chiseler must have taken lessons from Booker.His good economy took a long time coming.One step forward and two back isn’t very good progress.As General Electric says progress is our most important product.Look where they are in today’s economy

  12. Just more bs being thrown at the wall to see what will stick. This will continue until after the 2020 elections. The Dummycrats do not have an answer nor do they have a candidate that can beat Trump. They are more desperate than any housewives show that has ever been on TV. Their biggest problem is they have been taken over by the socialist / progressive know-nothings who have no clue how to keep an economy from tanking and going into the crapper. We need to continue to elect non-politicians who know how to run a business in order to keep our country strong economically. Work for it. Nothing comes totally free. The government does not produce anything, they just take money away from whoever they can take it from.

  13. When Obama took over, everything that went wrong was blamed on Bush. He also stated that the economy was as good as it was going to get. Yet, when Trump proved him to be totally wrong and incompetent, he now wants to take credit for the very much improved economy. Heaven forbid, the Dummycraps should win in 2020, they will claim that as the economy goes into the crapper, that it is all because of Trump and his capitalistic economy. They are the biggest losers who have no clue what the hell is going on.

  14. Absolutely correct!
    After America Hating Obama left/got out of the way-the economy was able to rebound


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