President Trump, in an exclusive wide-ranging interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ “Hannity,” vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and related documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign, saying he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began.
Trump told anchor Sean Hannity that his lawyers previously had advised him not to take that dramatic step out of fear that it could be considered obstruction of justice
“I do, I have plans to declassify and release. I have plans to absolutely release,” Trump said. “I have some very talented people working for me, lawyers, they really didn’t want me to do it early on.”
Trump also accused FBI officials of committing “treason” — slamming former FBI Director James Comey as a “terrible guy,” former CIA Director John Brennan as potentially mentally ill, and Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as a criminal.
Redacted versions of FISA documents already released have revealed that the FBI extensively relied on documents produced by Christopher Steele, an anti-Trump British ex-spy working for a firm funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, to surveil Trump aide Carter Page.
At least one senior DOJ official had apparent concerns Steele was unreliable, according to text messages exclusively obtained last week by Fox News.
via zerohedge
It’s about time. They all should be in prison.
Lock them up! Keep the pressure on until all the DemonRATS are driven back into their holes.
Fusion GPS was funded originally by the conservative Washington Free Beacon. Fusion GPS was later hired by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele for research on Trump’s activities in Russia. The Clinton campaign was unaware of that research and Steele was not aware of the Clinton campaign’s hiring of Fusion GPS. The Clinton campaign ceased their arrangement with Fusion after the election. One of the co-founders of Fusion GPS continued funding Steele’s research after the election and eventually turned it over to British and U.S. Intelligence Agencies.
In other words, the Clinton campaign had nothing to do with the Steele dossier. They did receive a copy but they didn’t ask or pay for its completion.
Please post your EVIDENCE to these facts. The validation from ALL sources. I’m quite sure we will ALL will be VERY interested in this material.
Everywhere you look you can see God’s hand at work. His time table is very different than ours. But look at how many plots, plans, sabotage efforts, illicit sexual exploits, dirty back room deals, secret meetings, CRAZY plans to destroy the very fabric of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the lies, the sins, the exonerations of MANY criminals who are smug in their freedom.
But, guess what. God knows each & every wrongdoing of every one of those people. YES…this includes the clintons, obummers, pelosi, schumer, ALL THE REST OF THE DEM FIELD & THE RINOS.
When they least expect it, their world WILL come CRASHING down. Individually & in groups. You know the old saying; ‘the bigger you are the harder you fall.’
These people WILL FALL. They WILL lose everything. They will have NO friends to stand by them. They will stand alone to face their charges. They will NOT be happy ever again. We are instructed to pray for our enemie’s souls daily. Do so. By your prayers heaping coals will cover their heads.
American people, mass indictments are coming down as soon as the FBI Inspector General comes down with his report on the FISA warrants, which should convict a lot of those criminal Democrat Party Mob members like President Obama and Hillary Clinton and their criminal supporters!! These mass indictments are the reason why Rep. Schiff in the House Judiciary Committee is pushing for impeachment of President Trump for collusion, with out any proof to back it up, which Prosecutor Mueller was supposed to do and didn’t when he found President Trump not guilty of any charges!!!! The impeachment will fail anyway in the Senate for they will never get 67 votes for impeachment there!!! By the way, can anyone show we, the American people, where collusion is crime for there is none listed in any American law books???? That make it a “kangaroo court with a lynch that they are trying to create for President Trump, isn’t it???? Lets dump the whole criminal Democrat Party Mob in the 2020 election for doing that to us for they deserve it, period!!!!!!!!
close all borders keep these’s people out and then destroy the democrat.
You are not kidding, are you? After many months of even the liberal media taking the opposite view, you are standing behind Hillary and her team. Ronsch you are loyal, I will say that for you. Maybe they will offer you a job, keeping track of threats to their freedom.
Looking forward to the release, but willing too wait. When playing a poker hand hold the trump card, pun intended, when it will have the most impact. That way the Commies can’t say it is old news the usual refrain!