Home Politics A Soros D.A. turning justice on its head

A Soros D.A. turning justice on its head


After reading for years about George Soros and his efforts to influence politics in this country – and others – I thought I’d seen it all. But this last week, I realized George and his money was (is) much closer to home. In fact, his money influenced the election of the woman who is now district attorney in my county.

I hadn’t fully realized it, but now that the person in question is in office and putting her philosophy into practice, I can see what damage is being perpetrated on law-abiding citizens, the justice system and the police who are sworn to uphold the law.

The person in question is Diana Becton – the first woman and the first African American to be elected D.A. in Contra Costa County, north of San Francisco and Oakland. She’s a lawyer and a long-time former judge, but now as district attorney, she has made several major changes in how crimes are charged in the County and how various cases are prosecuted.

Those decisions have made her unpopular with law enforcement officials, many legal minds and average citizens.

She’s been in the news since the summer for two decisions she’s made. The first to get wide attention was her decision on how to charge the two people who painted over a “Black Lives Matter” mural in the street in front of the county courthouse in Martinez on the Fourth of July. The mural had been approved; the two people who started painting over it with black paint did that on their own and were arrested.

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Nicole Anderson, 42, and David Nelson, 53, were charged with three misdemeanors involving vandalism. But that wasn’t enough for the D.A., so the couple were charged with a “hate crime.”

The decision to charge them that way raised a furor in the county and in law enforcement circles – that the two are white brings the issue of racism into the decision to charge them.

While that issue roils the courts in the county, the most recent headline-grabber is Becton’s decision concerning how looters should be charged when – or if – they are arrested.

She’s told her office and law enforcement officials to consider if the looting was done “for financial gain or personal need.”

The only way a sane person can define that is that if the looter is “poor” and “needs” things, then he should not be charged with ‘looting.”

How about that?!

In addition, prosecutors must consider four other factors as they decide how to charge the suspects:

A looting charge increases the severity of burglary or theft, can be a misdemeanor or felony and can be punishable by up to three years in jail.

With these new considerations for prosecutors as they decide charges, the whole system of justice becomes flawed.

It’s not surprising that this new policy has raised an uproar among many in Contra Costa County. The reaction I’ve had from my police acquaintances supports that. They are not happy and believe these changes have made law enforcement weaker.

Antioch Mayor Sean Wright is quoted as saying that it’s “irresponsible for the District Attorney to put out that kind of plan … because businesses are being impacted and livelihoods are being destroyed.”

Antioch Police Officers Association President Steve Aiello told East County Today that this type of policy is “reckless … because it shows the district attorney’s office is picking and choosing the types of crimes it will prosecute versus just following the laws on the books.”

Aiello raised an underlying point that relates to the whole law enforcement process: “At what point does our district attorney’s office advocate for the victims? If it’s not the district attorney’s office, who then becomes the advocate and safety net for the victims and ensuring restitution is made?”

He’s right. The law is supposed to protect the average citizen. These changes are making it more a defense of the criminal, and the average person is ignored.

I was astounded to learn that Becton is one of five black female district attorneys who are backed by Soros and who claim the American criminal legal system “was constructed to control Black people and people of color.” They went on to say the system is “deeply rooted in our country’s shameful history of slavery and legacy of racial violence.”

They say they have ideas on how to fix the system from within – declining to prosecute minor offenses, overturning wrongful convictions, refusing cases from officers with a history of racial bias and expunging marijuana convictions.

This is where the “looting” guidelines come in – just one step in a plan to “make the system fairer and more just.”

Gee – who knew it would be so easy! Just turn the whole legal system on its head and turning bad guys into good guys. It really works well if it’s done at the hands of a black D.A. who got into office thanks to George Soros money.

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