Black Lives Matter activists at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington DC threaten to burn down the White House.
This is the modern-day left in America — violent, unhinged, and totalitarian.
These are Joe Biden voters.
BLM Speaker: “I’m at the point where I’m going to put the police in a f*cking grave. I’m at the point where I want to burn the f*cking White House down!”
Domestic terrorists are now threatening the White House and police lives…
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) August 30, 2020
They got a new song, “Hey, hey, f*ck Donald Trump!”
Current scene on Black Lives Matter plaza:
— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) August 30, 2020
via thegatewaypundit
I get paid over $98 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I just got paid $ 8460 in my previous month It Sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it…………………… Read More
So , let me get this straight - A scumbag BLM activist speaker can make terrorist threats on camera and nothing is done , yep - paid for by the democrats.. So , here’s the deal : I took an oath to protect my country for all terrorist foreign & domestic. You will be hunted down and your entire blood line will be terminated. Sorry , no video will be furnished. Now watch this not get posted because it’s too violent or considered hate mail.
H8ers gotta h8…2 bad these terrorist irg. do not know they’ve been nfiltrated by white hats along time ago…they r being tracked 2 learn the source of their fundin’…can y’all say SOROS???…Barr is on top of this and these terrorist org. r livin’on [barr]owed time…pun ntended!!…👱…hahaha…
Sounds like someone wants tried for domestic terrorism. Inciting violence and treason toward the US. Not to mention Soros as the financier behind it all. Send them to Quantanimo Bay. No bail, they stand trial.
Do not forget that Soros gives the Democraps, and the rioters, a HUGE amount of money.
any of these blm so called peacefull riots,like to burn things ,if they like to play with fire and threaten so ,toast them