Update (1:45 p.m.): President Trump clarified at a Saturday press conference that he was clearly talking about the Democrats’ response to his administration’s coronavirus efforts - not the virus itself.
To put this into perspective: First Trump’s coronavirus travel ban was racist. Now his administration isn’t doing enough. And all the while the anti-Trump media is using any opportunity they can - including by lying - to twist this into any hope of unseating Trump in November.
President Trump makes it clear that he was not calling Coronavirus a “hoax”.
Will @NBCNews retract their story?
Has @snopes Fact Checked them yet?
pic.twitter.com/eG7CgTkcbP— Benny (@bennyjohnson) February 29, 2020
* * *
The MSM (and its many tentacles) has been lying about President Trump calling the new coronavirus a hoax - when it’s obvious from his comments that he was referring to media criticism of his administration’s response to the disease.
“They tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia,” Trump told a Charleston, SC crowd as he relayed a discussion with an adviser.
“They tried the impeachment hoax. They tried anything, they tried it over and over since he got in…. and this is their new hoax,” Trump said.
Here's the video clip. Any honest observer can tell that the hoax he's referring to is the way the left and media have weaponized the cororavirus against him, not the coronavirus itself. This is unambiguous. pic.twitter.com/iECckVU73K
— Jeff Giesea🦚 (@jeffgiesea) February 29, 2020
And now, here’s MSNBC’s Brian Williams and guest Michael Moore peddling fake news about what Trump said:
Watch MSNBC spread false disinformation about 2020 frontrunner Donald Trump pic.twitter.com/D5qQfHDorq
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 29, 2020
Unsurprisingly, this lie has spread faster than the disease. The Washington Post‘s Dana Milbank wrote in a tweet with 65,000 ‘likes’ as of this writing “Remember this moment: Trump, in South Carolina, just called the coronavirus a “hoax.””
Everyone from Bill Kristol to Ted Lieu is spinning this as if Trump was saying that the corovirus itself is a hoax. Even Politico is jumping in. "At what point does this constitute a disinformation campaign, as opposed to media spin?" is a question we should all be asking. pic.twitter.com/HNDQUKvGhs
— Jeff Giesea🦚 (@jeffgiesea) February 29, 2020
Milbank and others have been called out for the fake news regarding their latest hoax:
The coronavirus hoax breakdown:
I was at the rally
Trump called the Democrats comments on his handling the new hoax - the AP also called them out on this
Not the virus itself
Left-wing activists are distorting this
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 29, 2020
He called the political lies about the virus by people like yourself a hoax. And you are proving him correct.
— Tony Heller (@Tony__Heller) February 29, 2020
Meanwhile, adding to the politicization of this deadly disease, resistance ‘journalists’ are now referring to COVID-19 as “Trumpvirus.”
At least two New York Times columnists, Collins and Krugman, now referring to coronavirus as 'Trumpvirus.' pic.twitter.com/Vpox4az0fs
— Byron York (@ByronYork) February 29, 2020
via zerohedge
The libs have absolutely no shame! Whatever happened to truth and pride? There is so much distortion out there that one doesn’t know where to begin a cogent conversation - or any conversation at all!
It is a shame that the media has positioned itself to a point nobody believes a word they say
Cecil you can thank the radical right media for all the miss information going around, you have to admit you don’t get rich or draw in listeners if you tell the truth, besides the truth hurts and lies sell just ask Fake Fox, Rush, Sean, Tucker, Laura you really think any of those people would have a job if they told the truth, they need morons like you people on the radical right to keep them revelant, that’s why you idiots love Trumpzilla so much as soon as he quits lying the party is over, I mean he’s already over 17000 verifiable lies but hey who’s counting at least he’s making history for all the wrong reasons though.
I see you have already learned the liberal jargon….name calling. Please tell me who has taken the time to count the so called lies. You libs are so funny and quite apt at making up your own lies.
TRUMP 2020
For the world, you can have the good, decent, friendly and normal and the others will have the bad, evil, enemy and weird. Which is your pick? When AOC and Hillary Clinton called George Bush an asshole and a muthafucker, that caused a ruckus and Donald Trump helped George Bush deal with the corrupt democrats and that is good. Trump is like Bush and Obama is like Clinton. You dig? Good! Political parties have their polarities.
Big media has been thus way since FDR. You are just now noticing it due to internet or reading Ann Coulter or Michele Malkin or Roberr Spencer or Nathaniel Branden.
BORON Borax, 20 Mule Team. element. Conserves & maintains body minerals to prevent bone loss. Crucial to healthy blood sugar, appetite, bones-joints-teeth, glands, organs, heart, fungal-bacterial regulation, liver detox, reduce belly fat, calcium absorption, toxic fluoride removal. Stop body odor. Max daily dose 1/8t/100lb body weight. Daily formula: 3 pinches boron-borax, 2T raw apple cider vinegar in 1pint water. Take 3-4oz, 3-4x/day. Or one pinch in glass of water daily. Morgellan’s designer silicon-based fungal disease from “nano-bots” enter lungs, are regurgitated then swallowed in saliva to enter stomach, liver & intestine, then replicates. Mimics Candida Albicans & other fungal disease overgrowth. Rots body like any fungus; bores into all tissues; comes out as superfine threads of fungus thru holes in skin. Fungus is always in body; its purpose is to decompose body after death, but if overgrowth occurs before death it will decompose you, rot you away. Common symptoms same as other yeast-fungal infections: compulsive eating (esp. of junk), destructive-compulsive behaviors, depression-hyperactivity, fatigue, brain fog, poor digestion, body odor, bad breath, belch-bloat-burp, sinus-respiratory issues, yeast infections, thrush, teeth-bone-joint-spine issues. Caused by: overeating, especially excess sugars & carbs. Only known inhibitor: boron-borax. Good food sources: nuts, beans, legumes, dates, prunes. Poor sources: meat, fish, dairy. Ultimate national security top secret. Discoverers-designers now all dead but one. George Soros, Benjamin Fulfurt are Globalist-fascist-commie perpetrators. 70% of so-called ‘insiders’ or ‘whistleblowers’ are mouthpieces to direct-control the cultural Marxist narrative. 18Aug2019,
Tony Heller, My Presidential Platform. (1m49s)
Slam dunk INGENIOUS solution to the 15 states & DC that have voted for their electoral votes to go to the national popular vote winner (National Popular Vote Interstate Compact)
10x more have died from common cold & flu already than from this “Corona scam. Most of the vaccinated. Wake up.
Weston A. Price Foundation
westonaprice (.org) truth about farming, health & healing arts.
Tyla Gabriel, Her Royal Bioweapon Exposed.
Dana Ashlie, The BEST NEWS re CORONA virus You’re Gonna Hear All Month! Kinda.
HighImpactFlix, Bitchute Exclusive!! What’s More Threatening Than COVID-19 … vaccines kill more than coronav. All hidden stats, charts & graphs, all solid documentation.
BICARBONATE OF SODA (Baking soda, Sodium bicarbonate): Preventive of & life saver in all diseases by quickly raising pH. Quickly resolve colds, flu, respiratory problems, heart disease, kidney, spleen or liver failure, asthma, autoimmune, gut & stomach problems, diabetes, cancer. Use with magnesium (kelp), to balance. Used in dialysis wash, chemotherapy, ICU & ER care. Club Soda: in 1pt very cold water put (via funnel) 2t baking soda, then 2t citric acid, cap immediately. JHS29Jan2015.
ACEROLA CHERRY: East Indian cherry. Best source of real C-complex. Premium source of P, rutin; bio-flavonoids (also, buckwheat, citrus peel, currants, paprika) & naturally buffered vitamin C complex. 1g carb/ fruit. In poison ivy to block histamine release and truly help relieve itching and anxiety. Considered herb highest in vit.C. Important part of natural therapies for scurvy cancer, allergies & many more. JHS
ASCORBIC ACID: (called vit.C, it isn’t) It is an isolate of 1% of real C-complex. All conditions. Carb hogs need a great deal more vit.C. Seems we make our own ascorbic acid if we refrain from excess carbs. Ancient sailors never mentioned the problem & it was only noticed later as ships increased stores of starches-sugars. Megadoses IV can save lives & kill cancer: Sodium ascorbate is used: dissolve 5-10g ascorbic acid in an inch of water in a glass. Add 2.5-5g baking soda, stir, add 5oz water, & drink or inject 2-4x/day or more). Keeps perishables fresh. Kills yeasts, fungus & bacteria. Used by white blood cells along with peroxides & digestive enzymes as our prime immune function. JHS, Feb.2
GARLIC: lily family (liliaceae). Awesome reputation as a healer. ‘Twas the strength & vitality of the ancient Egyptian pyramid builders. Pliny prescribed it for 61 maladies, including gastrointestinal, snake & dog bites, scorpion stings, asthma, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, appetite loss, convulsions, tumors consumption. Hippocrates: laxative, diuretic, tumors. Chinese & Japanese: high blood pressure. Ancient (Hindu) Indian: heart disease, rheumatism. Shakespearean England: aphrodisiac! (bake or steam & eat entire bulb) Ointments, compresses & inhalants were the choices against tuberculosis. It fought typhus & dysentery in WWI, & septic poisoning & gangrenous battle wounds in WWII. Dr. Albert Schweitzer used it for typhus & cholera. More powerful than penicillin & tetracycline put together: can prevent & cure cancers, arthritis, rheumatism. It’s the broadest spectrum antimicrobial known. Also viricide, fungicide, parasiticide, protazoacide. The microbicide allicin is destroyed in cooking, but it will still lower (LDL) cholesterol & raise HDL, thin blood & decongest. Used for sepsis & pneumonia. Very high doses can work wonders for fatal conditions like fungal cryptococcal meningitis (or rectal implant or IV) (16). Also stimulates the immune system. Anticoagulant (called ajo, an alterative), thins the blood as well as aspirin does (very well). Pulmonary problems, (decongestant, expectorant) chronic or acute asthma, colds, bronchitis. Protect against & dissolve tumors. Better antioxidant for reversing liver damage than vitamin E. The capsules, pills, oils, “odorless” & other garlic preparations are of little value. Japans Kyolic is the only effective commercial preparation (for raising immune activities). Warning: garlic may trigger allergic reactions in some people, but if the diet is right (try honey) & intestines are not septic any such reaction may be considered a healing crisis. Infants love breast milk that tastes of garlic & will drink more (16). Sulfur acids in garlic (the active ingredients) will not only burn, but actually consume weak & unhealthy tissues, unlike red peppers which burn but do not consume. So you may need to use plantain banana, arrowroot, slippery elm, ginger or other stomach protective foods, or reduce dose. Blood type: O, A, AB Bene. B Neut. 3/24/15, JHS.
Pls consult a dedicated, experienced & competent health care person before attempting to diagnose or prescribe yourself with anything whatsoever.
The unified field theory of Health is that digestion, the immune system & immunity are one & are bodywide. Immunity is primarily digestive. Even in the lungs. Bodywide. If your digestion is out all your systems are out starting with your immune system. The immune system is one big digestion operation & vice versa. The digestive enzymes (amylase,protease, lipase), are made in the white lymphatic blood cells & that is the front line of the immune system. The pancreas does not make digestive enzymes- the white cells deliver their digestive enzymes to the pancreas as needed for digestive juices for delivery to the pancreatic duct to the duodenum. The upper stomach is the food enzyme stomach. It is quiescent (no peristaltics) & secretes no digestive enzymes. Its digestion is based on digestive enzymes in the raw food, salt and condiments eaten. Salt is essential in the creation of the lactofermentation environment in the upper stomach. Digestive enzymes are killed at 118F. Cooking temperatures destroys digestive enzymes & eating only cooked food destroys upper stomach digestion. That is why some raw in your food is essential.
The contents of the upper stomach are divided from the lower stomach by the middle area band of muscle, which will open only when the upper contents reach a high acidity (about 1hr). - and these acid contents cannot move down into the lower stomach except by gravity. - you must be standing up after 1hr, otherwise the acid contents will remain in the upper area & burn the hiatal sphincter at the base of the esophagus. “Heartburn”. Gastric burn.
Everyone knows the process of digestion in the lower stomach by HCl acid. But that salt, NaCl is essential to the making of HCl with Cl, and to the stomach lining protection with Na, “sodium,: is not taught.
The failure of upper food enzyme stomach digestion is the first step to the failure of the immune system, since the upper food enzyme stomach is the first step in the immune system (Dr. Edward Howell). All one, not divided.
There are specific foods that are Digestive Enzyme Source Foods, but lactofermentation covers all the bases.
(More at http://www.westonaprice.org)
This is the priceless ancient bubonic plague (yersinia pestis) preventive & remedy. It was called “The 4 Thieves.” Works even on the worst & most deadly superbugs when all drugs & other methods fail, as they always do. You will need this if you are going to SanFrancisco, LA or DC, DOA, ETC.
Health is a do-it-yourself LIFETIME PROJECT not a government crony medical monopoly scam.
Is it coronavirus or 5G or both? Who cares!
Biowarfare virus containing HIV OUT OF CHINA? So What!
The antidote, as always, is your own God given immune system. It is centered in your gut. Beginning with your upper stomach. No drug or vaccine can do what your own healthy gut can do! Works against superbugs when the most powerful drugs have failed.
The 4 Thieves:
The garlic is the key to this. Next key is mushroom. Next key is ginger. The other ingredients are variable depending on what you have around. Possibilities are plantin leaf, thyme, rosemary, red pepper, whatever.
Plague lactoferment: in water salted well with Celtic Sea Salt, puree garlic, onion, ginger, horseradish, mushroom, parsley, fennel, kelp (no vinegar. This ferments itself). Keep on countertop 3 days then refrigerate. Use immediately as needed. Teaspoon doses or less. Intelligent. Super potent digestive & digestive enzyme source, prebiotic & probiotic, antibiotic, viricide & fungicide, meaning it’s a powerful immune system support & restorative of all systems.
Think IODINE (black walnut hull as tincture or lactoferment, seafoods).
Think Overeating (gluttony) as deadly here as always. Think moderation, sometimes very high moderation, as in one small meal/day for starters. Overeating destroys digestion & that destroys all other systems.
Drug care is not health care. Vaccines do not bring health. Medical monopoly is no better than any monopoly. US emergency medicine is important, but is not about health. Big Science requires Big Money & that means Big Corruption.
Weston A. Price Foundation (.org). westonaprice.org
Our emergency care system is excellent. But emergency care is not health care. Drug care is not healthcare. Vaccines don’t bring health.
Calling drug care health care is simply doubletalk. Like calling a pig’s ear a silk purse. It is a crony capitalist monopoly leftist ploy.
This is the priceless ancient bubonic plague (yersinia pestis) preventive & remedy. It was called “The 4 Thieves.” Works even on the worst & most deadly superbugs when all drugs & other methods fail, as they always do. You will need this if you are going to SanFrancisco, LA or DC, DOA, ETC.
Health is a do-it-yourself LIFETIME PROJECT not a government crony medical monopoly scam.
Is it coronavirus or 5G or both? Who cares!
Biowarfare virus containing HIV OUT OF CHINA? So What!
The antidote, as always, is your own God given immune system. It is centered in your gut. Beginning with your upper stomach. No drug or vaccine can do what your own healthy gut can do! Works against superbugs when the most powerful drugs have failed.
The 4 Thieves:
The garlic is the key to this. Next key is mushroom. Next key is ginger. The other ingredients are variable depending on what you have around. Possibilities are plantin leaf, thyme, rosemary, red pepper, whatever.
Plague lactoferment: in water salted well with Celtic Sea Salt, puree garlic, onion, ginger, horseradish, mushroom, parsley, fennel, kelp (no vinegar. This ferments itself). Keep on countertop 3 days then refrigerate. Use immediately as needed. Teaspoon doses or less. Intelligent. Super potent digestive & digestive enzyme source, prebiotic & probiotic, antibiotic, viricide & fungicide, meaning it’s a powerful immune system support & restorative of all systems.
Think IODINE (black walnut hull as tincture or lactoferment, seafoods).
Think Overeating (gluttony) as deadly here as always. Think moderation, sometimes very high moderation, as in one small meal/day for starters. Overeating destroys digestion & that destroys all other systems.
Drug care is not health care. Vaccines do not bring health. Medical monopoly is no better than any monopoly. US emergency medicine is important, but is not about health. Big Science requires Big Money & that means Big Corruption.
Weston A. Price Foundation (.org). westonaprice.org
Our emergency care system is excellent. But emergency care is not health care. Drug care is not healthcare. Vaccines don’t bring health.
Calling drug care health care is simply doubletalk. Like calling a pig’s ear a silk purse. It is a crony capitalist monopoly leftist ploy.
James Howard you’re not too paranoid are you, stop drinking the orange Kool-Aid, get off the drugs, take a vacation until after Nov 3rd when we Flush The Turd on Nov 3rd it’ll all be better after we get a real president not some reality TV actor like Reagen we’re still paying for that mistake 40 years later, sometimes when you step in a pile of crap it won’t come off your shoes.
Next Sunday, I plan to preach a sermon on how to make Bush and Trump your Gods and Prophets so that your lives will become 100% REPUBLICAN CHRISTIAN. This coronavirus is of satan and the corrupt democrats caused it by being faggots and lezzies. To become healthy and religious, you need to make Donald Trump and George Bush your Good Republican Christian Personal Lords and Saviors. America is in dire need to get baptized in the Good Holy Gospels of Bush and Trump. Get right with Bush and Trump at the Whitehouse and the Whitehouse will be your new Heavenly Home for the Christians.
Four eight years when Obama lied to us endlessly, and we complained, we were labeled racist, or Uncle Toms. We have countless hours of Obama speeches, and interviews where he was lying openly example, his Selma church speech 2008, when he told audience his parents met at the Selma civil rights march in 1965, when he was born in 1962. Still the media, entertainment, leftest press and magazines that lie to us daily about Trump twisting what he said and reporting news that fits their propaganda narrative. No one unless their a brain washed, brain dead zombie of the left believes any of the 24/7 crap they feed us. Micheal Moore a load of human waste, dumber than a Halloween pumpkin with a crack in it’s head. Trevor Noah another load of crap never less attacks while ignoring the corruption we suffered under a Global Socialist Obama. Who else would pray for an economic collapse, or spread of a deadly disease so people die as a plan to enslave us under socialism, but the democrats. Four loads of poop are the leaders of the House, four of the dumbest want to be communist are in charge. When has such evil and hatred with a desire to destroy our republic a cancer determined to destroy us to gain power and destroy our republic with open borders, socialism that is headed to communism. If there is no nationalism or love of country the youth will give up our sovereignty and our freedom to join the Obama wet dream new world order making his boss Soros happy. They goal to destroy America just like leftest destroyed Europe with open borders. God save us.
Moe keep trying but nobody ever again will top Trumpzilla when it comes to lying he’s already over 17,000 by the time we Flush The Turd Nov 3rd he’ll be well over 20,000 verifiable lies, you’ll never see anybody beat that record just be happy you’re watching history in the making even though it’s all bad history but as they say you learn by your mistakes and Trumpzilla is a huge mistake.
People, people, people. Why are you surprised by the actions of the MSM and the democrats? To lie, cheat and steal comes naturally to them, it’s I’m their DNA.
Judge Jeanine Pirro, the lady with the pretty BIG LIPS, LIPSTICK, SMILE AND EARRINGS:
Jeanine Pirro currently hosts the Justice with Judge Jeanine show (Saturday, 9PM/ET) and everybody loves Jeanine’s nice BIG LIPS, LIPSTICK, SMILE AND EARRINGS which makes Jeanine a sweetheart. She also serves as a legal analyst for FOX News Channel (FNC) where she provides legal insight across the network’s programming. She joined the network in 2006 and is based out of New York.
Prior to joining FNC, Judge Pirro was the host of a syndicated weekday court show distributed by Warner Brothers, for which she won an Emmy Award. Her notable legal career spans over 30 years. In 1975, she became an assistant district attorney for Westchester County, New York and was the first female to prosecute murder cases there. In 1990, Pirro was elected as the first woman to serve as a Westchester County Court judge and her pretty Big Lips, Lipstick, Smile and Earrings made her special there which is good news in Westchester County, New York.
In addition, Pirro started the first domestic violence unit in a prosecutor’s office in the country. In 1997, she was appointed by then-Governor George Pataki to chair the New York State Commission on Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board, whose research helped pass increased protection for domestic violence victims and that Governor Pataki mentioned to Jeanine Pirro that “I love your nice and pretty BIG LIPS, LIPSTICK, SMILE and EARRINGS honeybun because you look great and if my wife would look as good, I would feel better at home with my wife” and that the Republican Party chose PRETTY SWEETHEART JEANINE PIRRO as its candidate for New York State Attorney General in 2006.
Pirro earned a B.A from the University of Buffalo, magna cum laude, graduating Phi Beta Kappa and received her Juris Doctor (J.D.) law degree from Albany Law School, where she was a member of the Law Review and all the guys cherished Pirro’s pretty big lips, lipstick, smile and earrings which made Pirro popular and Pirro loves being popular.
What is your major malfunction? Your post is disgusting. You sound like a very depraved individual.
Our Seneca Creek Church believes in the Good Holy Gospels of Donald Trump and George Bush because they are our Good Republican Christian Personal Lords and Saviors of the universe helping Republican Jesus Christ work better spiritually from Heaven for the universe. For details and to enroll in our courses, we are at Seneca Creek Church on 13 Firstfield Road Suite 100 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878 with phone number 301-355-6550 and with [email protected] for details. Be sure to get baptized in the Good Holy Gospels of Bush and Trump so that the Whitehouse will be your Heavenly Home.
Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries
P.O. Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN, 55311-6452
Main: 763-559-4444
Alternative: 763-210-8291
[email protected]
Parental Rights Under Attack In Public Schools And That Means That The Democrats Are Of Satan The Devil. The Republicans Are Christian. Proven True In Your Own Bible!
By Jan Markell, Jack Hibbs and Jill Martin Riche reporting
Whatever happened to parent’s rights when it comes to their children in public schools? It’s becoming more frequent that parents who disagree with transgender ideology have no idea how much is already accepted in schools, and how many teachers encourage kids to use preferred pronouns, receive hormone therapy, or even “transition” to the gender of their choice. Many parents are being left out of these life-altering decisions and this means that Nancy Pelosi, IIhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants America to become faggots and lesbians. I want to say at our Olivetree Ministries Depot that we Americans need to worship and praise our Good Republican Christian Government Leaders to make Republican Jesus Christ from Heaven work better spiritually. Start by making President Trump, Mike Pence, Michele Bachmann and George Bush your Personal Lords and Saviors and that way, Jesus Christ will make America Holy, Prosperous and Righteous. It did for me personally and for my colleagues here at the Olivetree Ministries Depot in Maple Grove, MN and I am sure that it will work well for you if you will give things a chance with faith in this venture.
Jan Market you know Jim Jones started a ministry too and look how that turned out, oh and don’t forget David koresh from Waco Tx. just to name a couple, so maybe your outfit will be next on the news for some radical Religious right cult that went off the deep end from the radicalization of religion, sounds to me like you’re already pushing it to the extreme. Is your outfit like those snake worshipers in the deep South dancing around with poisonous snakes yelling praise God. You freaks sure are coming out of the wood works ever since you voted in the Antichrist Trumpzilla the Biblical Beast.
Charles and what’s next, you’re going to say Trumpzilla never lied in his life, I guess that’s why he files so many law suits to cover up the truth, that’s a lot of money to spend when you have nothing to hide, but as long as you morons believe him that’s all that matters just never speak evil of the supreme leader, never question the supreme leader, never doubt the supreme leader, worship the supreme leader, praise the supreme leader, not a day goes by that im not reminded were just like North Korea with a supreme leader dictator, welcome to radical right communism.
The biggest hoax” walking on planet earth is Donald J (the con man) Trump….
I pray to God that this virus spreads like wildfire in this country. It’s imposible to get rid of enough of Worthless americans to satisfy my list for their blood. Democrats let this happen with their letting in anyone and Everyone into this country for the Soul purpose to register these filth as Democrats so they can get their votes. The Demoncrats, And ALL of them that voted for them deserve Everything that happens to their Worthless asses!!!!!!
Our church on 13 Firstfield Road Suite 100 in Gaithersburg Maryland 20878 with phone number 301-355-6550 believes in making Donald Trump and George Bush our Good Republican Christian Personal Lords and Saviors so that jesus Christ will work better for our Seneca Creek Church. The Bible in the form of parables and symbols says that in order to become a Christian, you have to become a Republican. The democrats are of satan because they believe in the faggots and lesbians of LGBTQ and the other things that are corrupt and contradict what the Bible says. For comments, call our church and learn what is right and true!