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Bernie Battered, Bloomberg Receives Third-Degree Indian Burns: Key Takeaways From The South Carolina Debate


Tuesday night’s debate in Charleston, S.C. devolved into bitter attacks between Democratic rivals vying for the chance to take on President Trump in November.

Here are some key takeaways:

Sanders must be stopped!

Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is clearly the man to beat - taking flack from all sides as he occupied the center spot on stage, according to The Hill.

Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg kicked off the attacks against Sanders on Tuesday night, warning in the opening minutes of the debate that Russia wants Sanders to be the nominee because he’ll lose to President Trump.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) followed by arguing that Sanders would not be able to implement his progressive agenda because he’s too divisive.

Former Vice President Joe Bidenblamed Sanders’s votes against gun control legislation for several mass shootings.

And former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg blasted Sanders for his “nostalgia for revolutionary politics of the 1960s” — a reference to his praise of Fidel Castro’s communist regime in Cuba. -The Hill

I’m hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight,” joked Sanders. “I wonder why.”

Mike Bloomberg’s attack on Sanders began earlier in the week in this bizarre interview senior advisor Tim O’Brien gave to CNN.


Warren wants to tomahawk Bloomberg

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) went after Bloomberg donning full war paint - criticizing him over his past comments on abortion (“Kill it”), as well as past remarks for blaming racial minorities for the 2008 financial collapse, and his issue of nondisclosure agreements with several women who accused him of inappropriate behavior over the years.

“I don’t care how much money he has, the core of the Democratic Party will never trust him,” said Warren. “He’s the riskiest candidate standing on this stage.”


Biden did well

Despite Biden declaring he’s a candidate for US Senate earlier in the week, The Hill‘s Niall Stange writes notes that the former Vice President did surprisingly well on Tuesday night.

Elsewhere, Biden sought to shore up his support from black voters, reiterating that he had worked on issues of racial and economic justice for “years and years.”

Above all, Biden sought to portray himself as someone with the political and strategic chops to get things done rather than merely talk about aspirations.

The former vice president’s tone and demeanor were, if anything, more important than his words.

This was a far sharper, more vigorous Biden than in other debates.

He needed a good night, and had one of his best. -The Hill

The biggest losers? Bloomberg, Steyer and CBS News according to Stange. Bloomberg’s appearance “wasn’t a disaster. But it wasn’t good,” while Steyer has struggled to explain “any rationale for his candidacy.”

CBS News, meanwhile, took flack for failing to mention climate change, a hot-button topic among the left, and allowing candidates to cross-talk each other without stepping in.


via zerohedge


  1. All said, still nothing more than a bunch of ultra-left liberal loons. If ANY of them get into the Oval Office, the stock market and the economy will tank, BIG TIME.

    That being said, Sanders is a clear and present danger to our Democratic Republic. His Communist dogma has attracted a fairly large number of radical leftist liberals who have openly professed their belief that violence and revolution are at the forefront of their belief system should Sanders win OR lose.

    Sanders and his followers are CLEARLY of the same mindset as those Boldheviks that overthrew the czars of Russia. Again, Sanders and his minions are TRULY DANGEROUS and, I believe, there will be hell to pay, regardless of whether Bernie gets into the Oval Office or not. His minions are hell bent om the idea of a violent revolution.

    People be wary, cautious and ready!

          • Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries
            P.O. Box 1452
            Maple Grove, MN, 55311-6452

            Main: 763-559-4444
            Alternative: 763-210-8291

            [email protected]

            Parental Rights Under Attack In Public Schools And That Means That The Democrats Are Of Satan The Devil. The Republicans Are Christian. Proven True In Your Own Bible!
            SUNDAY, 1 MARCH 2020 3:48 PM - POSTED IN HEADLINES
            By Jan Markell, Jack Hibbs and Jill Martin Riche reporting
            Whatever happened to parent’s rights when it comes to their children in public schools? It’s becoming more frequent that parents who disagree with transgender ideology have no idea how much is already accepted in schools, and how many teachers encourage kids to use preferred pronouns, receive hormone therapy, or even “transition” to the gender of their choice. Many parents are being left out of these life-altering decisions and this means that Nancy Pelosi, IIhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants America to become faggots and lesbians. I want to say at our Olivetree Ministries Depot that we Americans need to worship and praise our Good Republican Christian Government Leaders to make Republican Jesus Christ from Heaven work better spiritually. Start by making President Trump, Mike Pence, Michele Bachmann and George Bush your Personal Lords and Saviors and that way, Jesus Christ will make America Holy, Prosperous and Righteous. It did for me personally and for my colleagues here at the Olivetree Ministries Depot in Maple Grove, MN and I am sure that it will work well for you if you will give things a chance with faith in this venture.

    • Pj boy are you ever stupid the market is crashing right now because that moron you voted for has no idea what’s going on or how to react to it, well I guess he can blame it on Obama you idiots always cheer to that.

  2. All of the democrat ic presidential candidates support and invite illegal immigrants to USA and this can destroy the country and islamize it within a decade.
    Lets stop it. Build the wall support Trump! Save USA!

  3. The Democrats keep saying that Russia wants President Trump to be re-elected. President Trump is the last person Russia wants elected. He is strong and Russia would much prefer a weak Democrat to be president so they can do whatever they want in the world. You liberals keep pushing the Russia narrative because all you do is try to scare the American people. We are tired of your bullshit! The only people in bed with Russia are the Democrats…. God Bless America and God bless President Trump!!!!

  4. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) went after Bloomberg donning full war paint??? Warren has mad an enemy of the Native Americans for lying about her Heritage.

    • To the balls and dicks, men candidates for Pres., Elizabeth, the high check, buck tooth fake Indian candidate(female), running for Pres., the pussy, tit, ass and cunt is wamppeming the male candidates in their faces.

  5. Bernie Sanders is the worst choice This America Did All our soldiers die for nothing how could this Commie Scumbag get elected to any position in America. If my Kid voted for or even supported him I’d Kick His Ass Right out the fucking Door.

  6. What surprises me is that NO ONE has mentioned Sleepy Joe’s statement re the gun control issue, wherein he claimed “…150 MILLION people have been killed with guns since 2007!” I watched the “debate” (caterwauling) and caught it immediately. I even replayed it twice and then showed it to my wife, who’d left the room. Re-view the debate… it happens about 6 or 7 minutes into the second hour.
    But, now, just think for a moment. 150 million people in a nation of 320 million is almost 47% of the population. To believe any of Joe’s blathering, you’d have to also believe that every other person you met was trying to kill you. Is that your observation? BUT NO ONE HAS EVEN MENTIONED THIS!


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