Home Politics Is AOC A White Supremacist?

Is AOC A White Supremacist?


During her livestream last night, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have exposed her true self - if recent liberal attacks on the innocent are to be applied - as she unleashed something so awful, so disgusting, so fascist and racist that it likely left many of her viewers triggered and in need of a safe space.

For the safety of young impressionable non-liberals, we have blurred the image to protect the innocent from being drawn into her apparently spiteful ways… As Ashley St.Clair asked, clearly a worried Twitter member, “Why did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez flash a white power symbol on her livestream last night”

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Source: @StClairAshley

In case you are confused, the left has vehemently attacked anyone who dares to unleash such a horrific sign. Here are just some of the latest examples of the idiocy:

Coast Guard member flashes white power hand signal on TV

Chicago Cubs Ban Fan Who Flashed 4chan-Memed “OK” Hand Gesture Behind Black Reporter

Chicago Schools Blow $54,000 To Reprint Yearbook Because Kids Made “OK” Hand Gesture In Some Photos

Of course, there is a chance that such a hand signal is simply an “ok” sign… or…


In fact, the best part, as we have explained numerous times: the entire thing was fabricated by 4chan users to troll the left, and the symbol has nothing to do with white supremacy. “We must flood twitter and other social media websites with spam, claiming that the OK hand sign is a symbol of white supremacy,” reads a Feb. 2017 posting on the popular imageboard.

via zerohedge


  1. I may not like her.. BUT.. That is the hand symbol for OK!!!!! WTF is wrong with everyone???? Now a new breed is changing even hand signals to suit their own narative?

    • Allow me to be the devil’s advocate here. Speaking as one of the liberals and thoroughly entrenched in PC, OH but that that sign has to be a white spupremacist sugn. It just has to e, why everyone knows it is, because it has been said that it is. No doubt about it, it is. Why, well, I don’t know, one just has to blindly follow the PC and liberal leader. If we are told that it is, then it is. Reason, well that idea is a white supremacist thing too. Think for yourself, orto reason, NO-O-O-O-O-O, you an’t think for yourself, you must never think for yourself. To try to be reasonable will only make you a fascist, or white supremacist. What we are told to think is all that we should ever do. So, there you have one line of reasoning for why the OK sign, has to be something else. Kids are not taught to think for themselves, that just has to be so VERY wrong. Besides, how else are they to be led astray if they are taught to think and reason for themselves.

  2. No matter what the sign means - she is not even whit. She is Puerto Rican which a Latin Black person. So don’t get it twisted. Even she is in denial. Hah!

    • Must be a lot of blind bats in her area, she did get elected. Actually, bats are pretty much blind, and navigate by using high frequency sound bursts. So her voters may be not only blind, but their navigation senses are out of alignment as well.

  3. I agree with you but I do think AOC is racist she may not be a white supremacist bit she is not only racist but prejudice and whacked nothing good comes from hwr

  4. I dont think she can be a white supremacist cause she is Hispanic but it sure looks like she is the god of the demrats party with the help of the left fake news, all the stupidity she says it’s made a bug deal by the left and their partners in the media. 🤔🤔

  5. AOC is a nut job! She is influencing young kids with her crazy ideas! Don’t be fooled she doesn’t know what she’s talking about! I have no idea how she ever got elected! There must be a lot of crazy people in New York. Hopefully they’ve learned their lesson and won’t vote for her AGAIN!!!!!
    I don’t think she’s a White Supremisit because she is Latino and the symbol she is doing with her hand is the ok sign.

  6. I am a white Caucasian person and that’s like someone accusing me of being a member of the black panther party

  7. Even in legal sign language signs have more than one meaning. People need to know this and not get so upset when a sign is used.

  8. MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT: AOC does not know what a “white supremacist” IS, so therefore she cannot be, or act as one. I am starting to ease up on her a bit, for I have watched her dancing in the Boston University rooftop video — where she did a nice job, and confirmed the two assets that she brings to her celebrity. Conveniently, they are located side-by-side, below her chin and above her waist. Way to Go, SANDY !

  9. I am not going to support anyone in their efforts to join the SJW idiots and start labeling hand signals that everyone commonly uses. The signal you are trying to call racist simply means “okay”.
    If you are trying to use the tactics of the leftist you are just making yourself look as stupid as they prove themselves to be everyday.


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