Home Politics Tickets To See The Clintons Offered For Less Than $10

Tickets To See The Clintons Offered For Less Than $10


Tickets for the last stop on Bill and Hillary Clinton’s 13-city speaking tour are selling for less than $10 on the secondary market.

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Ticketmaster prices have also plummeted, as Hot Air‘s Karen Townsend notes:

A glance for tickets available on sale at Ticketmaster online shows they begin at $45.72 and go up to $257.18. I wrote about this tour back at the beginning of December and even then, ticket sales were slow and had to be discounted. Perhaps realizing they were on rocky ground, the two Clintons first took the tour to Canada as a soft opening before their American dates. The fine folks in Toronto were less than impressed and the ticket sales showed a lack of interest in the former President and his wife, the woman who felt entitled to the presidency but lost to her old friend Donald Trump. -Hot Air

Last Friday, prime seats at Seattle’s WaMu theater were selling on ticketmaster for $829 - 54% lower than the $1,785 they were asking when the tour was announced in November.

In December, the Clintons turned to Groupon - offering tickets at nearly 60% off after failing to attract crowds at full price.

That month, the Daily Mail reported that just 3,300 tickets were sold in the Scotiabank Arena in very liberal downtown Toronto, which holds 19,800.

Ticket sales were so bad that the New York Times‘ Maureen Dowd noted the power couple’s steady decline. After paying $177 for a ticket to hear the Clintons, the Washington Examiner‘s Byron York noted that Dowd could have simply waited until the day of the event and paid less than $10.

During Friday’s appearance in Seattle, the Clintons were met by an overwhelming positive audience, according to the Seattle Times.

I really believe that we are in a crisis, a constitutional crisis,” Clinton proclaimed during the 90-minute question and answer session between her, husband Bill and actor Bradley Whitford - adding “This is a test for our country.”

Although Clinton did not specifically cite the Russian collusion conspiracy theory nor try to tie the Trump campaign with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, she said the Mueller Report “not only decisively proves but goes chapter and verse about how the Russians — in the words of the report — conducted ‘a sweeping and systemic interference in our election,’” according to the Times. “And then you wake up and your president is spending an hour on the phone with Vladimir Putin, who was the mastermind of the interference and attack on our election.” -Daily Caller

Alas for Democrats who missed it, the sour grapes tour is over - at least in this format.

via zerohedge


    • As Michelle Obama would say, we look up, look straight ahead, the Clinton’s look down, the curtain falls, they are out.

  1. i think if they offered free tickets and gave away a steak dinner to go with the tickets they would have a hard time getting people to listen to their nonsense . Hillary should make the theme of her speaking tour last chance to see Hillary before she goes to prison and then she might do better .

  2. It’s really ironic that when the Clintons try to earn a buck an honest way, they can’t seem to measure up. There must be a deep pocket for the expense of the venues and event staff otherwise, someone would be pulling the plug. Some reports are coming out stating the tour is not so much about them but setting the stage for Chelsea to step in to politics. The curse of Hillary is living on.

  3. I would pay .10c for them to stay home and watch cartoons, people r tire of listening to their lying mouths..🤣🤣🤣

  4. She is delusional and her ego demands that she still spin her narrative for losing the election. It was stolen. She won a few states based on large cities. Won NY because of NYC, but not the rest of the state, Calif (LA), Ill (Chicago), etc. She was beaten badly, but she still refuses to admit she didn’t win. She does not accept defeat well. After all, she expected to win because she had put the plan in action to defeat Trump; the Clinton machine is wide and deep as we are finding out. Her downfall is coming.

  5. cheap of the cheapos. hahahahahahahaha rather go to a dung beetle fight over a piece of dung than listen to these two idiots.

  6. One thin dime. One tenth of a dollar. It walks. It talks. It crawls on it’s belly like a reptile. Come and see “Little Egypt.” The WONDER of the Demokratik Party

  7. Their ” IRRELEVANT “. Why would anyone pay to hear a 2 time loser whiny about why she lost. You’ll hear enough next year from the 20 some candidates who didn’t win the Democratic nomination.
    Maybe Hillary can teach a class on ” how to whine & blame anything & everybody for losing “.

  8. Why shouldn’t Pres. Trump talk with Putin as one head of state to another? And who was it who sold our uranium to Putin? Shut up, Hillary.

  9. Despicable, disgusting, abhorrent leeches still trying to suck money from society. The king and queen of mindless fools.

  10. The Clintons are not worth 10 pennies to go and hear them speak about the Republicans and Russia.
    Hillary Clinton is very ill mentally and needs help desperately. The Clintons need to be in Prison not running around the world giving speeches on how broke they are. They are so corrupted and both feel that they are above the law and no one is going to do anything to them, let them keep thinking that. As for Joe Biden running for President, that is outrageous. He’s so criminally involved with the drugs cartel, child trafficking, remember he was the VP under the Obama Administration. That’s a red flag already, so where are you America why don’t you object to his running for President of our Nation. Do you all want another Obama crisis, if that happens, you could all say goodbye to our wonderful country?


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