Home Politics Obama Slammed Clinton’s “Scripted, Soulless” Campaign For Loss To “Cartoon Character” Trump

Obama Slammed Clinton’s “Scripted, Soulless” Campaign For Loss To “Cartoon Character” Trump


New York Times White House correspondent Peter Baker has published an updated edition of his book “Obama: The Call of History”, and it includes several embarrassing details about President Obama’s reaction to Donald Trump’s historic electoral triumph, as well as Obama’s complaints about Hillary Clinton’s “scripted, soulless” campaign strategy.

According to the Daily Mail, which published some of the excerpts on Friday, Obama interpreted Trump’s victory as a “personal insult”, and whined to his aides and family that the loss “stings” and that the American people had “turned on him” while bashing Clinton for “bringing her many troubles on herself.”

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As Baker wrote, as Obama saw it, the “real blame” for Clinton’s loss “lay squarely with Clinton” - despite her many well-documented attempts to make every conceivable excuse, from blaming Bernie Sanders and his misogynistic “Bernie Bros” to misogynistic Trump supporters.

But as Obama vented, nobody forced Clinton to take money from Goldman Sachs, or set up an illicit private email server at her house in Chappaqua.

In a stinging passage Baker writes: ‘To Obama and his team, however, the real blame lay squarely with Clinton.

‘She was the one who could not translate his strong record and healthy economy into a winning message.

‘Never mind that Trump essentially ran the same playbook against Clinton that Obama did eight years earlier, portraying her as a corrupt exemplar of the status quo.

‘She brought many of her troubles on herself. No one forced her to underestimate the danger in the Midwest states of Wisconsin and Michigan.

‘No one forced her to set up a private email server that would come back to haunt her.

‘No one forced her to take hundreds of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sachs and other pillars of Wall Street for speeches.

‘No one forced her to run a scripted, soulless campaign that tested eighty-five slogans before coming up with ‘Stronger Together’.

Feeling secure in Clinton’s impending victory, Obama and his top aide Valerie Jarrett retreated to the White House movie theater to watch the Marvel Movie Dr. Strange. Michelle Obama went to bed early that night, but later in the evening, as results from Florida started coming in, Obama checked the results, and was suddenly struck by a sinking feeling.

He watched in abject horror as Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania - formerly Democratic strongholds.

In the weeks after Trump’s victory, Obama vacillated from philosophical contemplation to rage, and complained to his speech writer Ben Rhodes that he was about to hand the nuclear codes over to a “cartoon character” and a “huckster straight out of Huckleberry Finn”.

Obama tried to keep his cool in the weeks afterwards and texted his speechwriter Ben Rhodes: ‘There are more stars in the sky than sand on the earth’.

But soon he was unable to contain his rage which escalated after he met Trump in the Oval Office.

Baker writes that despite being cordial in public he afterwards summoned Rhodes who told him that Trump ‘peddles in b*******’

Rhodes said: ‘That character has always been part of the American story. You can see it right back to some of the characters in Huckleberry Finn’.

Obama replied: ‘Maybe that’s the best we can hope for’.

As the weeks went by Obama went through ‘multiple emotional stages’, at times being philosophical and other times he ‘flashed anger’.

He also showed a rare self-doubt and wondered if ‘maybe this is what people want’, Baker writes.

Obama told one aide: ‘I’ve got the economy set up well for him. No facts. No consequences. They can just have a cartoon’.

Of particular interest considering the Mueller report’s findings, which have been endlessly relitigated since the redacted report was released last month, Baker explains Obama’s decision not to come out harder against Russia during the campaign, after US intelligence warned about the Kremlin’s attempts to ‘interfere’ in the US election.

As Baker tells it, Obama’s “don’t-do-stupid-shit” instincts made him reluctant to bash Russia over the meddling, as did his confidence that Clinton would surely prevail. As Obama saw it, if he made a big deal about Russian interference, Trump would simply complain to his voters that the whole election was rigged.

Baker’s book also gives new insight into why Obama was so hesitant about criticizing Russia for meddling in the 2016 election before vote took place.

Obama was led by his ‘cautious don’t-do-stupid-s**t instincts’ and feared that a forceful response would make Russia ‘escalate’ its operation.

Then there was the question of how Trump would react and Obama admitted that ‘if I speak out more, he’ll just say it’s rigged’.

Obama wrongly assumed that Clinton would win the election and Obama said in one meeting that Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘backed the wrong horse’.

When it came time to meet his successor and start planning the transition, Obama was cordial. But he never could get past the unshakeable feeling that the American people had rejected his legacy.

Something that, given his continued sniping at Trump, probably stings to this very day.

via zerohedge


    • Funny how Trump is kicking his a** in every aspect of being President and reversing every ignorant policy Obama put in place devastating the economy and country

  1. Obama called Hils campaign “soulless”. How appropriate, she is about as soulless as you can imagine! The only HONEST thing he has said since his first campaign for office!

  2. Strong record? A healthy economy? Pull the other one Barry. The only record you have is “Hope & Change.” After 8 years of your destructive policies, American’s “Lost Hope” and witnessed the “Change” they got from electing a 4th rate lawyer, community (read Communist) organizer. You accomplished nothing worthy of note as a State and US Senator. Your “Change” set race relations back 50 years, killed a lot of fine LEOs, put Pedophiles and Perverts in the Women’s bathrooms, allowed Psychosis suffering Transgenders, ammunition to fuel their delusions, murdered by ineptness and apathy at least 4 good Americans and then lied about the incident. You lied to the American people with your “Islam was woven into the fabric of our country from the very beginning” speech, which is a bald faced lie, totally without any empirical evidence supporting your bullshit statement. You cost millions of jobs, increased the deficit to unheard of trillions, and failed to present the “shovel ready jobs” you promised to Americans. You bragged and continue to brag about being the “most transparent administration since George Washington, but as your legacy erodes and the truth is laid bare, shows your administration to be one of the most corrupt in America’s history. Practically everything you did, was for the benefit of you, your family and the long line of sycophantic suckups kissing your arse. The idolization and hero worship, still continues with this book, which should be in the “Fantasy” section of the Library, not in contemporary writings.
    Of all the presidents I’ve watched and witnessed in my 58 years on this earth, your’s was one of the worst.

  3. And he has the nerve to call someone a “cartoon character.” And he had the economy set up to rebound, when everything he did stifled the economy. Talk about narcissism,, “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and the planet began to heal” (part of his nomination speech nov 2008). To think I was initially fooled.

  4. The American people voted against Clinton because all she had to offer were more of Obama and Biden’s failed policies and their being cowards and dropping to their knees to beg or pay off our enemies to please not attack us . The American people saw our military weaken , our GDP barley creep at all , race relations worsen while we were paying our enemies to behave while they used the money to fund terrorism and they even had the nerve to tell Americans that we will never see manufacturing come back and this is the best future we could hope for . The voters even those that were not fans of trump’s personality saw that Hillary would lead the same way as Obama with no fresh ideas so they said what the heck it’s time we put a non politician in there and let’s see what happens and it proves that trump was just what America needed and it was a slap in the face to do nothing’s Obama and Biden .



    TRUMP 2020

  6. What a contrast of President’s. Obama had, at best, minimal credentials & abilities. He had eight years to prove this. Trump had zero years of direct political experience which seems to have been an asset. Obama was a likable non-hostile personality who dug some deep holes for our nation. Trump is an unlikable roughneck & abrasive winner type who in 2-3 years, has zeroed in on & fixed our holes. Which one has been best for our nations interests?

  7. Obama got one thing right - yes, Hillary IS soulless. Unfortunately, so is he, soulless and gutless. A passive-aggressive president is worthless to everyone except maybe himself.

  8. Yeah. This “cartoon character” only managed to shut up that punk in North Korea finally. And I’m pretty sure he told him in no uncertain terms that if you threaten any American possession or ally again, we’ll turn your country into a ghost town. And don’t think either China or Russia will risk international nuclear war for your miserable a***.

  9. Cartoon character huh….well Mr Obumbler that cartoon character is certainly showing ur ass the way to get stuff done….remember u accomplished nothing in 8 long nauseating years

  10. Again, he thinks he “set up the economy” for Trump. ROFLMAO If Trump hadn’t done away with thousands of absolutely stupid mindless rules so companies could come back and be able to make more, handing out more money in bonuses to its employees, and on, and on, it would still be the same ‘ol Odumber’s economic profile as he left the White House, which seemed to resemble a monkey (not racial spite) raging around the office sh!tting all over the furniture, as well as foreign relations, like he was trying to set him up for failure! Boy how little we knew then!! In the end, people got tired of his hopey changey slogan that never did anything, along with his constant apology tours for U.S. being us, and for us being Americans, bowing to people in foreign lands! Obama was NEVER our president, he was a wanna be ruler!! Her certainly sh!t all over the constitution in his reign, and the liberal media kissing his a$$ every day, and quickly swept scandals under the rug, most of all, his forged birth certificate, proven false!!! And yet somehow he was NEVER challenged, too many were fearful of him playing the race card, which he did at every opportunity, having the liberal kiss a$$ media defending him, praising him, every day. Thank you God that he’s gone, and we have a man that is willing to actually fight for the American people! Ever notice Obama’s speeches? They were always I, I, I, me, me, me. If you notice Trump, he is always talking us, and we, he’s in this fight with us! He has had to endure so many attacks from so many people unhinged on both sides, butt hurt that he won, enduring over 2 1/2 years of daily attacks with no end in sight! AND.. he LISTENS to us, about what our main issues are we want addressed, and gets sh!t done! He’s done SO much with so little help! He may not be perfect, but he sure fights for us, We The People! Best damned President EVER! Go Trump! MAGA! Trump 2020!

  11. This line from your “critique’ of Obama’s performance as President “Practically everything you did, was for the benefit of you, your family and the long line of sycophantic suckups kissing your arse. The idolization and hero worship, still continues with this book, which should be in the “Fantasy” section of the Library, not in contemporary writings”, sounds very much like a contemporaneous review of what we’re witnessing from the current occupier of the office.

    For someone who writes like a reasonably intelligent person (unlike most others on this post), you seem to be unaware of several facts that would mitigate your statement on the issue of Obama’s results while in office.

    The state of the U.S. economy at the time Obama took office was the worst in the history of this country since the Great Depression. Indeed, this was not only the state of the U.S. economy but the state of the global economy as well. If you do the research, you will see that the global financial system came within 24 hours of total collapse. This fact has been documented in both book and film and by the participants from the banking industry who took part in it (Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, etc. …). Additionally, you seem to be unaware of the fact that Obama created more jobs during each of his last 4 years in office than did Trump during his first full year. As well, Obama created more jobs during 3 years of his tenure than Trump has been able to achieve in any year during his time in office. He did all this while assuming office during a time when, because of economic policy started under the stewardship of another Republican, the country lost 8.7 million jobs during the ‘Great Recession’.

    Let’s forget that the current occupier of the office has a rather tenuous relationship with the truth. or that his top advisor has a tendency to deal in ‘alternative fact’. Forget that he trusts the word of an hostile, adversarial authoritarian over input from all 17 of this countries intelligence agencies. That he is in a state of constant violation regarding the emoluments clause or that he has a tendency to grant security clearances to people who are completely unqualified for if not outrightly rejected by the intelligence community for such clearance. Forget the fact that relationships with our allies, relationships that every president since 1945 has worked diligently to cultivate, are in a state of disarray. Disregard the fact that the majority of people in this country voted for the other candidate. Let’s forget all that and ask yourself some very simple questions; Is this guy (Trump) someone you would want your children to view as a role model. Someone who’s behavior you would want them to emulate? Someone you would trust as a friend?

    I’ve included a link to an article from a source that, by any objective evaluation, is viewed as a rather conservative publication in order to assist with your understanding of exactly what Obama accomplished during his time in office. Let’s see if you can be objective about all of this. Are you someone who thinks or simply someone who reacts…another member of the ‘Tribe of Trump”


  12. The author of this book is an idiot and has no idea what Americans want. Obama was a krappy president who did more harm to our country than good. Obama was a slick, smooth talking, polished bull chitter.

  13. Obama flat out is a lying Muslin. He knew after 911 a Muslin didn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell to make it. So being true to his Koran’s teachings he pulled his second lie. Lied and denied to every American about being a Christian. He has always been a hard card carrying Muslim. That’s why he endorsed The Muslim Brotherhood!
    His first lie is that he is an American Citizen! What American would work so hard and pay millions to obstruct his American heritage? One that is here illegally and planted in our government. As his Koran teaches him to infiltrate our government. Use every trick in the book to tear down our country at every level. That he did a number on our country ! From our gotten father’s to date our loved ones have fought, lost limbs, spilled blood on foreign soil in the name of freedom for all Americans! This Muslim Bastard took the ring handed to him from the corrupt wanna be George W. Bush, who too it from ass grabbing nasty nobody Slick Willy aka Bill Clinton, who took the ring of corruption from George H. W. Bush who said we would have a New World Order! Don’t think Americans knew what he sent at that time but do now.
    Obama further his Koran teachings by placing his hand on the BIBLE and like the three before him lied at every word of the swearing in! From there on it was kady bard the doors, balls to the walls! Tearing and ripping at every part of our government and military he could get done before he left! With no resistance! Nobody then or now wants to touch the “holy rail” to bring justice to him because he is the first black president! I don’t give a rats ass what race HE is not to be treated as HE is above the RULE of LAW everyone else has to obey! This man posing as Obama has to date obstructed in providing the REQUIRED documentation to each 50 Secretary’s of State to properly review in having him vetted so that his name COULD appear on the ballots! Instead each Secretary of State received a corrupt better personally from Nancy Pelosi and the DNC stating they “vetted” Obama. True to the Democrats corruption this is out of protocol as it’s not the job of Pelosi or the DNC to properly “VETT” ANY CANDIDATE! It is the job for the candidate to send in the REQUIRED documentation to the attention of the Secretary of STATE IN ALL 50 STATES. THE REQUIRED documentation is reviewed by that Secretary of State for accuracy to assure all documentation that is required from all candidates is received. Only then can any candidate be ,”properly vetted” and their name put on the ballot! This did not happen! To make matter worse Pelosi and the DNC did not bother to attach the REQUIRED documentation nor did any of the Secretarys of State EVER deny the letters for the lack of REQU In RED documentation that they are REQUIRED to ontain. AND deny the letters as it is not the job of ANYONE else to properly VETT a candidate! This whole damn thing still ks to the heavens!
    To be sure from Nasty ass grabbing corrupt George Sr. It was no holds barred to usher in the NEW WORLD ORDER with Hillary to wrap it all up!
    You have to understand the corruption that has been uncovered to date is the tip of the iceberg! Americans are going to be shocked! But the buck stops here!
    Be wiser from now on! There are two forces Our Country is under now.
    Those that are trying to poisoning our young with ij the name of Socialism by the New World Order by hose trying to usher in the take over by the Muslims by means of selling their wolf ticks of hiding behind Socialism to usher in their Sharia Law. These bastards know once America falls the rest of the world will be easy pickings!
    To date the only DOCUMENTATION received by the poser president going by the name of Obama ha been three FAKE birth certificates that were put online in an attempt to make Americans believe he was born on American soil! If that is true then where is HIS CORRECT AND VERIF It ED CERTIFIED BIRTH CERTIFICATE he needed to provide in the very beginning? Where is it and WHO THE HE L L iS HE???? He knowingly uses another man’s Social Security Number? Who is this tiny little corrupt American hating person that was just another puppet in a line of puppets to take America off the map by the elite puppeteers??? To this day using obstruction to keep his true identity hidden??? WHY is this still being ALLOWED??? WHO has the brass balls to bring this unhuman being to justice?
    The only thing saving Hillary’s rotten souless corrupt ass is her corruption involves his souless corrupt ass! Give them swift sever sentences! Please show Americans justice will be served to those who do this Country or the American people harm.
    Enact laws that prevent the corrupt actions they ALL knowingly and willingly committed never happens again. But if it does let the sentences of these be an example of what others will get.
    Americans stand with this President! He is not perfect whatever he gets wrong he can and will correct just keep in mind all that is before him!
    MAGA 2020 and beyond!
    Read the Koran educate yourselves. Any Muslim following the teachings of the Koran hates infidels (any person that has not or will not convert). If Amy infidel does not convert to Muslim it’s instant death! Their choice is beheadings or explosives! Read it you will be shocked nut you will understand more about what’s going on! The do not believe Jesus is the son of GOD nut he will come back and lead in killings of infidels! Just saying.
    Now what do we do to unite to find out who this.poser Obama is? What pulled the wool over our eyes?


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