The Justice Department and Hillary Clinton’s legal team “negotiated” an agreement that blocked the FBI from accessing emails on Clinton’s homebrew server related to the Clinton Foundation, according to a transcript of recently released testimony from last summer by former FBI special agent Peter Strzok.
Under questioning from Judiciary Committee General Counsel Zachary Somers, Strzok acknowledged that Clinton’s private personal email servers contained a mixture of emails related to the Clinton Foundation, her work as secretary of state and other matters.
“Were you given access to [Clinton Foundation-related] emails as part of the investigation?” Somers asked
“We were not. We did not have access,” Strzok responded. “My recollection is that the access to those emails were based on consent that was negotiated between the Department of Justice attorneys and counsel for Clinton.” -Fox News
Strzok added that “a significant filter team” was employed at the FBI to “work through the various terms of the various consent agreements.”
“According to the attorneys, we lacked probable cause to get a search warrant for those servers and projected that either it would take a very long time and/or it would be impossible to get to the point where we could obtain probable cause to get a warrant,” said Strzok.
The foundation has long been accused of “pay-to-play” transactions, fueled by a report in the IBTimes that the Clinton-led State Department authorized $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered deals to 16 countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation - a 145% increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration.
Adding to speculation of malfeasance is the fact that donor contributions to the Clinton Foundation dried up by approximately 90% over a three-year period between 2014 and 2017, according to financial statements.
What’s more, Bill Clinton reportedly received a $1 million check from Qatar - one of the countries which gained State Department clearance to buy US weapons while Clinton was Secretary of State, even as the department signaled them out for a range of alleged ills,” according to IBTimes. The Clinton Foundation confirmed it accepted the money.
Then there was the surely unrelated $145 million donated to the Foundation from parties linked to the Uranium One deal prior to its approval through a rubber-stamp committee.
“The committee almost never met, and when it deliberated it was usually at a fairly low bureaucratic level,” Richard Perle said. Perle, who has worked for the Reagan, Clinton and both Bush administrations added, “I think it’s a bit of a joke.” –CBS
Later in his testimony last summer, Strzok said that agents were able to access “the entire universe” of information on the servers by using search terms to probe their contents - saying “we had it voluntarily.”
“What’s bizarre about this, is in any other situation, there’s no possible way they would allow the potential perpetrator to self-select what the FBI gets to see,” said former Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz - former chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee until 2017 and current contributor to Fox News. “The FBI should be the one to sort through those emails — not the Clinton attorneys.“
Chaffetz suggested that the goal of the DOJ was to “make sure they hear no evil, see no evil — they had no interest in pursuing the truth.”
“The Clinton Foundation isn’t supposed to be communicating with the State Department anyway,” said Chaffetz. “The foundation — with her name on it — is not supposed to be communicating with the senior officials at the State Department.”
Republican-led concerns that the DOJ, under the Obama administration, was too cozy with the Clinton team during the 2016 presidential campaign have grown louder in recent days. Earlier this week, Fox News exclusively reviewed an internal chart prepared by federal investigators working on the so-called “Midyear Exam” probe into Clinton’s emails. The chart contained the words “NOTE: DOJ not willing to charge this” next to a key statute on the mishandling of classified information.
The notation appeared to contradict former FBI Director James Comey’s repeated claims that his team made its decision that Clinton should not face criminal charges independently.
But Strzok, in his closed-door interview, denied that the DOJ exercised undue influence over the FBI, and insisted that lawyers at the DOJ were involved in an advisory capacity working with agents. -Fox News
Strzok was fired from the FBI after months of intense scrutiny over anti-Trump text messages he exchanged with his mistress - FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Both Strzok and Page were involved at the highest levels of both the Clinton email investigation and the counterintelligence investigation on President Trump and his 2016 campaign.
via zerohedge
Now we know what went on in that mtg betw B.Clintin & AG Lynch! We also know that allegedly “accidental” mtg was NOT accidental & they didn’t talk about golf & grandchildren! This folks is REAL COLLUSION & not the fake stuff made up by the left/deep state to distract the American people from the real truths & crimes! They were making Trump the patsy to distract from their illegal and even treasonist activity! Who’s involved? The list is long! The Clintons. DNC, AG Lynch. Comey. Strock, Page, clapper, Banner, Rosenstein all choreographed by the Obama WH & prob BHO himself! This is no longer just paranoia or wishful thinking from the Right. All the pieces are beginning to fit and at e revealing the most sinister plot in US history!
I don’t believe BHO is bright enough to orchestrate this. I just wonder who really is behind all this. Most of these criminals are just puppets. Either way, you are correct. This is probably the most sinister plot in US history.
All the dems are puppets. Just look at all the canidates, nun are capable of actually being a real leaders. Thers a big problem they are evil POWER AND CONTROLL.
SOROS………..HBO was a puppet………
All of this unbelievable string of evidence we now have proving Clinton, Lynch etc may potentially be found guilty of criminal behavior, what I am waiting to find out is what actions are being taken or planned to be taken to prosecute the guilty parties in a court of law.
Great post….Keep it coming… Thank you !
I think we’ve known this for a long time. I only hope the facts continue to come out and that those in the Clinton Foundation - Bill and Hill; the State Dept; the DOJ and FBI, who tried to steer the 2016 election to Hillary and make sure they covered all asses, start making the “perp walk”. Indict a few of these corrupt bastards and watch the ‘singing’ start.
I knew that a long time ago! Put Comey in prison and watch the bitch sing!
I guess that the TARMAC talks MIGHT be a little more than GOLF AND GRAND KIDS huh!!!
Bill taught Loretta how to shank. . . others.
So, DOJ have a deal with e-mails with The Clinton Foundation? Well what’s the secret deal? Oh, it would be no longer secret if you told me? The American people? Can’t imagine why? Does it have to do with more money coming out of The Foundation to pay someone to be quiet? What would happen if they don’t stat quiet? Would they get depressed and find a park and shoot themselves in the head with the wrong hand? Or lose control of vehicle and drive off cliff with no safety railings? What’s to hide? Transparentcy and all. Sure, whatever you say?
You’re right Nate-ncp,
But, remember Hillary supposedly knocked off JFK jr too & she & Bill got away with that one!
I find it just a bit strange cause John Kennedy jr was looking to New York & take that seat & Hillary just happened to side into it & JFK jr & his lovely wife perished in a plane crash in Martha’s Vinyard & the Bushes/Clintons wouldn’t authorize a search party for them until it was too late! JFK jr got in Hillary’s way so he had to go-go!
So let me see if I understand this right. They couldn’t look deep into Clinton emails because they lacked enough evidence for a warrant, all though any information on an unlawful server should have been grounds enough. However, a fake dossier be enough evidence to warrant “wiretapping” on a candidate for the President of the United States? Sounds about right.
Hillary Clinton has been a crook for years. She got away with the White Water deal and continued through her campaign in 2016. She didn’t care about Bill’s “straying” unless the victims spoke out. Then she threaten the young girls because she didn’t want to lose her front, Bill. Hillary Clinton is nothing but a calculated, wicked bitch who is willing to lie, steal, or kill for money and power. Hope her and Bill’s entire “kingdom” crumbles and they, with all their “helpers” go to prison.
But your The F. B. I., I thought if you wanted something or someone? You go there in the middle of the night or early in the morning, guns drawn, kick in door, wake up neighborhood, remove people/documents, whatever you want, bring CNN with you and that’s it. What the hell, that’s what happens to everyone else!
This is why TRUMP IS PRESIDENT. I dont trust our goverment, Hilary needs to go to jail.
Hillary Clinton need to vHANG. Publicly
these assholes should be shot
The question Americans should be asking why the Republicans covered up. Was it because they had to give the house away first? It seems Republicans have done as much to protect Clinton and Obama at the left have.WHY ???
Simple answer — the “deep state” is alive and well ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE :^(
It is amazing how much the Clinton’s and their co conspirators (Lynch, Rice, et al) get away with. Like in the book “Animal Farm” some animals are more equal and privileged than others.
OK, some of us pretty well knew this was all going on and no one would agree, so now it is all out in open light. What is going to happen? We cannot trust the fedgov to do the “right thing” and punish all these criminals and then shut down the tainted agencies.
My “republican” congress critter votes “against” Trump, so he is useless. Who do I write to to force justice? Are we going to have to have a “million pitchfork march” against Washington?
So when are we going to see the investigation into this? When are we going to see the indictments, perp walks, home invasions and of course more congressional hearings. Well don’t hold your hand on your butt waiting for any of this because these low life corrupt democrats always seem to get away with anything criminal. Covered up by the DNC and the state run liberal media. This is absolutley unamerican.
This is straight out of a Banana Republic newsreel. The only thing left is for Hillary & Bill to be running around with military khakis repudiating America as the Imperialists Americanos! How sad this would be if the AG office doesn’t open this case back up and under thorough scrutiny from the press divulges the violations by everyone…EVERYONE!
Yeah, Cris Ruiz
And so is the Kennedy assassination in Texas, Viet Nam, nothing to see here so move on etc. etc.
We are watching the culmination of decades of indoctrination and infiltration of the liberal, socialist, soros left.
The two clinton turds are just one example of many, of key players in the ongoing deep state attack of America.
odumb-ass and his silver back partner, the corrupt DOJ, congress, heads of major American colleges and universities, local school administrations and now the fools who are taking over the dem party are all the result of a deliberate and concerted plan to re-engineer America…and they’re doing it.
It’s become even more effective with the socialization of the MSM. The left now can control the social narrative in over 60% of American living rooms, radios and mobile devices. They flash stories that push their agenda, detract from corruption on the left, or re-frame unacceptable issues so that viewers become sympathetic and compliant…
Example:”these poor people fighting to find freedom and a better life for their children have made this long arduous journey. Cold, sick and hungry their plight ends by being victimized by Trump and his gestapo ICE agents.”
The clinton clan, odummy and the gorilla, lynch, all the corrupt agents in the FBI/DOJ, the new crop of dems (with proven cases of fraud, finance violations, hate speech, immigration fraud, etc) will never see a day in jail. The reach of the deep state web goes way to deep.
Don’t think that a second Trump term will make everything right and just. While he is the best thing to have happened to this country in decades, he is outnumbered, in Washington.
If you don’t think so, look at the fight he has had to conduct TO SECURE AND PROTECT THE BORDERS OF THE UNITED STATES. This is a fundamental function of our government, and he has had to use the most drastic measures to TRY and get this done.
Why would anyone think, there’s any hope of prosecuting every corrupt piece of democrat shit, that deserves to do time???
With each passing day, the left moves forward.
They have now placed illegal voting firmly in the political narrative, by having a vote in the house. The next time it’s brought up, there will be a precedence set and it will be less outrageous and more accepted by those voting in the house. By then a few more caravans will have made it across the border and into middle America. The radical socialist, muslim bitches will have moved deeper into our government and hold even more crucial positions. Tehir numbers will grow…more hatians, muslims and somali refugees sitting in congress.
The urban centers in America will be flooded with illegals, ms-13, muslims, socialists, somalis, etc and middle class conservatives will flee these areas…and rightly so..who would keep their family in a city or town that is now a leftist shit-hole???
That will result in more radicals being elected in those districts, by the “new” left supported population.
Which means there will be more radical deep state operatives to shield and cover these dirt bags on the left.
Don’t think so…bring this full circle back to bang-em bill and the pig killary.
When the lefts attach on the American legal premise of “innocent until proven guilty” and denied that standard to Kavenaugh…how many dem/socialist women, congress women, meetoo women, MSM women came out and demanded a new investigation be opened over bang-em bill’s rape of Juanita Broaddrick????? NONE!!
We are in a time of disruption and chaos, that isn’t going to end anytime soon.
Trump being in office is THE ONLY thing keeping this country from totally going down the shitter!!!
Treason is a badge of honor for the Godless NAZI Commie liberal Racist Demoncrat Party and RINOs! The party of hate, hypocrisy, lies, deception, Fake News (Russian Collusion and Jussie M hoax) the list is endless! And the clueless minions that follow them!
I have four young grand children and I am scared to death at what lies ahead for them and all of your grandkids in this crazy country - I listen to Mark Levine and his words on this country and where it is headed
The only way America will ever be defeated is from with in . And the Democrats have already got a running start . The Democrats have investigated Trump for collusion and any body connected with him , and when you ask them , they tell you they are only after the truth , if what they say is the truth , they why do they block any effort to investigate Democrats , when there is evidence that they have colluded with Russians , are they not interested in the truth when it involves Democrats , it seems not . ( there is an old saying the truth will set you free ) but the Democrats know that not to be true , because the truth will put some of them in jail . And that is the truth .
billary and killary have been guilty of so much and have been luckily dodging all prosecution because witnesses keep committing suicide…and funny thing is, alone billary is not smart enough to come up with all the plans for everything they’ve been involved in since their days in little rock……as first wench, she has been under more investigations than anyone but somehow managed to walk without even trying…and this continued on into billary’s time in the whitehouse…think back to when documents were subpoena’d by congress, killary responded with the statement, “why should we give up our documents and let them get their hands on them? WE ARE THE PRESIDENT!” such arrogance….killary was the brains behind everything she needs to go down and wear that orange jump suit.
And so, with all this alleged evidence of criminal conduct, the currrent administration has done…nothing.