US Soldiers Asks Why BLM Riots Weren’t Treated Like Capitol ‘Insurrection’

Soldiers “from every echelon” of the US military have been openly questioning why last year’s violent BLM and Antifa riots weren’t treated like the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, a comparison which has flown sideways up the ass of the military’s top enlisted leader, Chief Master Sergeant Ramón “CZ” Colón-López.

In a Thursday briefing at the Pentagon, Colón-López (CZ) told reporters that some troops have asked “How come you’re not looking at the situation that was going on in Seattle prior to that? [Jan. 6 riot]”

This is coming from every echelon that we’re talking to,” CZ added.

According to, CZ told reporters that he is “concerned about the way that some people are looking at the current environment.”

Colón-López said the confusion some younger troops have expressed shows why the training sessions on extremism are needed.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the stand-down Feb. 5 and gave units across the military 60 days to discuss extremism in the ranks with troops.

The military’s policies are clear, he said: Troops are not to advocate for, or participate in, supremacist, extremist or criminal gang doctrine, ideology or causes.

Others are wondering why leadership’s view is so disproportionate.

CZ claims that the military ‘remains an apolitical organization,’ and that it doesn’t matter if extremist groups are far left or right, adding “both are off limits.”

“If it’s an organization that is actually imposing harm, threat, destruction, criminal activity and so on, then we don’t condone that behavior,” he said, adding “We’re focusing on letting people know exactly what the oath tells us to do when it comes to obeying lawful orders, remaining apolitical and basically being good stewards of society.”

But as the training sessions took place, some themes emerged that worried leaders.

Those conducting the sessions wanted “to make sure that military members understand the difference between Seattle and [the Jan. 6 riot in] Washington, D.C.,” Colón-López said. “But some of our younger members are confused about this, so that’s what we need to go ahead and talk to them about and educate them on, to make sure that they know exactly what they can and cannot do.”

According to CZ, ‘younger troops need to be educated’ on the difference between the broad (Marxist-organized) BLM and Antifa movement and extremists within said movements.

Meanwhile on Saturday… it begins again:

Nothing to see here - just a group waving a communist flag that wants to disband the country’s law enforcement and usher in a state of lawlessness. Totally different from the January 6 ‘insurrection.’

via zerohedge