The discovery of mail-in ballots cast by dead voters has emerged as an issue in the neck-and-neck race between first-term upstate Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi and rival Republican Claudia Tenney.
Tenney, who held the seat before being ousted by Brindisi, was ahead by a razor-thin 100 votes as the two campaigns appeared before a state judge who will rule on hundreds of disputed absentee and affidavit ballots that could determine the winner.
Madison County Attorney Tina Wayland-Smith reported that election officials there disqualified absentee ballots filed by three “deceased” voters” in a filing with state Supreme Court Justice Scott Del Conte, who is overseeing the count in Oswego County. . .
A top state Board of Elections official is demanding an investigation.
“This is a known problem of voting by mail. It should be investigated,” said Doug Kellner, co-chairman of the board, noting that it’s a crime for someone to mail in a ballot in the name of a dead person.
via joemiller