Home Politics Infowars Was Right! MSM Finally Admits COVID-19 Came From Wuhan Bioweapon Lab

Infowars Was Right! MSM Finally Admits COVID-19 Came From Wuhan Bioweapon Lab


The mainstream media is finally being forced to report something Infowars has covered for over two months.

Watch this live broadcast of The Alex Jones Show for updates on this article:

After non-stop attacks against media outlets or politicians suggesting COVID-19 came from a Chinese laboratory, MSM is now admitting it.

In fact, financial news site Zero Hedge was permanently suspended from Twitter after posting an article linking Wuhan’s Institute of Virology to the outbreak.

Ironically, Fox News’ Bret Baier and the Associated Press said “multiple sources” told them that “there is increasing confidence that the COVID-19 outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory.”

This may be the “costliest government cover-up of all time,” one of the sources said.

The sources believe the initial transmission of the virus – a naturally occurring strain that was being studied there – was bat-to-human and that “patient zero” worked at the laboratory, then went into the population in Wuhan.

The “increasing confidence” comes from classified and open-source documents and evidence, the sources said. Fox News has requested to see the evidence directly. Sources emphasized — as is often the case with intelligence — that it’s not definitive and should not be characterized as such. Some inside the administration and the intelligence and epidemiological communities are more skeptical, and the investigation is continuing.

While Fox stopped short of calling Covid-19 an intentional bioweapon, it was only a few months ago that the mainstream media in general was whitewashing the suggestion that the coronavirus came out of the Wuhan’s Institute of Virology, a top biohazard lab which was studying “the world’s most dangerous pathogens.”

On Feb. 1, Zero Hedge was suspended from Twitter after the outlet asked whether this lab was responsible for the Covid-19 outbreak that originated in Wuhan.

Zero Hedge linked to a Feb. 2017 profile on the lab by the Nature journal:

A laboratory in Wuhan is on the cusp of being cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens. The move is part of a plan to build between five and seven biosafety level-4 (BSL-4) labs across the Chinese mainland by 2025, and has generated much excitement, as well as some concerns.

Some scientists outside China worry about pathogens escaping, and the addition of a biological dimension to geopolitical tensions between China and other nations. But Chinese microbiologists are celebrating their entrance to the elite cadre empowered to wrestle with the world’s greatest biological threats.

“It will offer more opportunities for Chinese researchers, and our contribution on the BSL?4-level pathogens will benefit the world,” says George Gao, director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology in Beijing. There are already two BSL-4 labs in Taiwan, but the National Bio-safety Laboratory, Wuhan, would be the first on the Chinese mainland.

Ironically, the Nature journal later published an editor’s note on top of the piece which stated:

Many stories have promoted an unverified theory that the Wuhan lab discussed in this article played a role in the coronavirus outbreak that began in December 2019. Nature knows of no evidence that this is true; scientists believe the most likely source of the coronavirus to be an animal market.

How times have changed; now multiple media outlets are pointing the finger at the Wuhan lab as the source of Covid-19.

Now that the mainstream media is confirming that COVID-19 came from a Wuhan bioweapons lab, it’s more important than ever to document that Infowars and Alex Jones were vilified by the corporate media for exposing the Chinese origins of the virus as far back as January.

Watch and share these bombshell interviews and reports from February that vindicate the Infowars team and our expert guests:

Jan 23rd:

Chinese Lab That Studies “World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens” is Based in Wuhan
A biosafety level 4 laboratory that studies the “world’s most dangerous pathogens” is based in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in China, leading some to claim that the virus could have accidentally escaped the lab.

Jan 29th:

Coronavirus: Chinese Espionage Behind Wuhan Bioweapon
The biowarfare espionage behind the Chinese government’s Wuhan lab is now coming to light. Forget the nonsense about “bat soup” at the food market.

Jan 31st:

Coronavirus Contains “HIV Insertions”, Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon
The theory is that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan. Politifact pointed the finger at Zero Hedge, in particular, though the story was widely shared across independent-leaning media.

Feb 4th:

Creator Of Us Bioweapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon
In an explosive interview Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act has given a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus is an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about it.

Feb 5th:

Bioweapons Expert: W.H.O. Is In On Biowarfare Weaponization Of Coronavirus
Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act, joins Owen Shroyer on The Alex Jones Show to expose the 2019 Wuhan coronavirus as an offensive biological warfare weapon that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about.

Feb 5th:

Bioweapons Expert Exposes Coronavirus As A Weapon Of War in Must-See Interview
In an explosive interview, Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act, has given a detailed statement admitting the 2019 Wuhan coronavirus is an offensive biological warfare weapon that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about.

Feb 7th:

Bioweapons Expert Delivers Urgent Message to Trump on Coronavirus Outbreak
Professor Francis A. Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to deliver an urgent message to President Trump regarding the coronavirus outbreak as well as provide his analysis of the virus as a bioweapon.

Feb 7th:

White House Asks Scientists To Investigate If Coronavirus Was Bio-engineered
The director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), in a letter to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, requested that scientific experts “rapidly” look into the origins of the virus in order to address both the current spread and “to inform future outbreak preparation and better understand animal/human and environmental transmission aspects of coronaviruses.”

Feb 19th:

SMOKING GUN: China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From US
Bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the smoking gun linking the weaponized Wuhan virus to the United States.

Feb 21st:

Full Transcript Of “Smoking Gun” Bombshell Interview: Prof. Frances Boyle Exposes The Bioweapons Origins Of The COVID-19 Coronavirus
Biological warfare expert Prof. Frances Boyle appeared as a guest with Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show, sharing his “smoking gun” findings about the coronavirus being engineered as a weapon that’s designed, “for efficient spreading in the human population,” according to one of the science papers he references.

Feb 26th:

Bioweapons Whistleblower Blacklisted For Exposing Death Science Programs
Dr. Francis Boyle joins Mike Adams on The Alex Jones Show to break down the toll he has taken for standing up for the truth in the wake of bioweapon development.

Feb 27th:

Scientists Discover HIV-Like “Mutation” Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious
While mainstream scientists continue to perform mental gymnastics to insist that the new coronavirus wasn’t man-made, new research from scientists in China and Europe reveal that the disease happens to have an ‘HIV-like mutation’.

March 5th:

Iranian General: Coronavirus Is A Manmade Bio-weapon
An Iranian military leader has suggested that the coronavirus is not a naturally occurring disease, and that it is a manmade bioweapon cultivated and released against China and Iran by a ‘hostile state’.

March 26th:

Senator Cotton: China Unleashed This Plague On The World
GOP Senator Tom Cotton touted legislation Wednesday that would end US dependency on China for pharmaceuticals, stating that it poses a national security risk, as he asserted that China ‘unleashed’ the coronavirus on the rest of the planet and needs to pay for it.

Watch Infowars interviews and special reports on the origin of COVID-19 below:

via infowars


  1. WHO BENEFITS . . .
    CHINA cuts their ever present OVER POPULATION
    CHINA/DEMOCRATS Last ditch effort to destroy PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP

    Who made the comment (maybe John Kerry) . . . something like “Don’t do anything until AFTER the election” . . . Remember that??? So was it REALLY ACCIDENTAL?????????? Ha!

    • Turd, what an appropriate name for you… Turd. Only a Turd would say stuff like that. If you do your research, you would realize the error of your hatred. So many people hate him why? Because they don’t know, only that they listen to the lying corrupt Democrat Socialist politicians, and the lame stream media that don’t report anything good, and their coverage of Trump has been 99% negative. How can all those lies not be taken because so many people lamely believe what they’re being told by the lame stream media. They have lied REPEATEDLY, attacking Trump 24×7 parroting the corrupt politicians. Think about it… Schiff and Pelosi stated they had 100% proof that he colluded with the Russians. Wow, turned out to be nothing but a big fat lie when they asked them for their supposed proof. Many of the Fisa warrants against Trump contained over 17 errors on them and should never have been approved. 17!! On top of that, they used a fake dossier that the DNC and Hillary paid for to get some of their Fisa warrants through, and Democrat Socialists at all stages of that process. And we’re just talking about the Russia hoax! How about impeachment? All hearsay. No testimony even from the whistleblower themselves! LOL How exactly is that supposed to work? And, a totally partisan impeachment attempt. Their hatred for him is based on nothing else, but him, and the fact that Republicans are no longer taking Democrats shit any more!

      • Danger you’re perfectly regurgitating that lame radical right ideology you’ve been programed to believe in, if you were to sit on the other side of the table you’d hear how ignorant you sound to a logical person, I just watched all your friends up in Mi. outside propagating trumpzilla’s hate with their children no less, some people could care less if they get their own kids sick and you want people like me to believe you idiots have any common sense, sacrificing your own kids for the Antichrist yeah you people are teal smart in the most stupidest of ways. We’ll just watch the news in a couple of weeks and see what happens but I’m more then willing for RETARDicans to go and die off then I’ll know if it’s safe to venture out so help yourself and take your kids with ya.

        • Hey turd why don’t you go to Pelosi’s house and eat gourmet ice cream with her. Want to deny that little gem? While people are struggling to feed their kids she shows off her chocolates and $13 a pint ice cream. A disgusting pig she is.

          • Marlene what you jealous you don’t have chocolates and ice cream for your fat a##? I’ve got everything I need food TP and yes chocolates and ice cream for the grandkids. I’m living it up watching you radicals losing your heads over this, Trumpzilla is flipping out he’s way over his head he can’t deal with it attacking innocent Americans for his own failures. But that’s what you get when you put a spoiled child in there to do a man’s job, he’s nothing but a cry baby, all his cult followers are cry babys, stop the crying already you voted for this mess now deal with your stupid mistake.

  2. Incorrect. For the first time, this country does not have a House of Representatives who are for the people of this country. The democrat majority in that governing body need to be flushed. They have fought and name-called the president even before he set foot in the White House. They have been screaming imprecations through their stooges in the MSM. They have investigated him endlessly. They have tried to impeach him and remove him from office. What has all this accomplished? Other than a large waste of tax dollars, absolutely NOTHING! They are still at it. If you are going to point a finger of blame, point it where it belongs!

    • The demonrats and dummycrats don’t care about ‘wasted’ taxpayer dollars. It’s never their money in the first place. Demonrats want power, dummycrats want freebies. As long as they get what they want, the rest of the nation can go to hell.
      Pill-osi closed the House, and sent everyone home and said they will not be back until May 4, or unless an emergency happened. I thought the pandemic was an emergency . . .
      Look for all the conservative political adds to include the demonrat heartlessness prominently. They sure are providing a lot of fuel for November elections.

      • Gerry for over 40 years its not Democrats giving free money to the filthy rich that’s your socialist party doing that your supreme leader just dooled out over 2.5 trillion dollars to his rich friends and don’t forget the hundreds of millions he and his kids stole from you, but stealing from you is OK when you voted for it isn’t it moron. If your so smart tell me how many trillions of dollars RETARDicans have given to the filthy rich in 40 years?
        News Flash on your first guess it had better be more then 50 trillion to even come close to guessing the correct amount, and how much of that did you receive, nothing I’m sure not one red Penney, but go ahead show me how stupid you truly are.

  3. Affirmative Laura…And Turd dirt, the two worst Presidents in America history…#1 Jimmy Carter. #2 Shoe Shine Obama. But I did have to think hard on that one, Carter screwed up Operation Eagle Claw and caused military deaths and gave Iran the starting point of their arrogance…

    • Carter started it all with China; linking all 50 US Gov agencies to the American consulate in China, to represent them on the world stage, and encourage American businesses to start moving over there. Carter was the ever-hopeful optimist . . . pacifist.

    • Cg News Flash plenty of those school kids you are talking about are RETARDicans and don’t forget all those school kids in the Senate are majority RETARDicans how about that money or I guess RETARDicans getting paid to do nothing is just fine with you. But I’m sure it is since 2010 RETARDicans have been getting paid to do absolutely nothing for years now. The BS you see today is from decades of do nothing RETARDicans that only hand out free money to the 1% then take the rest of the year off until the next vote for tax cuts and free money give aways.

  4. Comment for Flush the Turd re April 18th at 4:41am. Isolation and alienation contribute to making fear and sickness worse. I find it sad that someone would consider others, or self, as a turd; that one would remain in hiding WAITING for others “to die off” so s/he would “feel safe to venture out.” Take a minute, step outside, take a deep breath and ENJOY another day of life. It’s beautiful! All in the way you look at it, yourself, others and God.

  5. Laura oh just get over it already, you’re stupid, your friends are stupid, I’m sure if you have kids their stupid, your parents I’m sure were or are stupid, you were stupid enough to join a cult, now deal with your own stupidity.
    P. S. Laura did I mention you’re stupid?

  6. Helena why don’t you have a problem when your supreme leader talks exactly as I do, after all I’m only saying what he says about those of us that new better then to support that TURD.
    What’s the matter isolation and alienation got your panties in a bunch making your sickness and mental stability worse?
    In my life I’ve seen the world traveling around in the Navy, I’ve been to countries you can only dream of seeing, I’ve seen poverty the likes of which you could never imagine, I’ve been to countries that aren’t run by conservatives and those people are the happiest I’ve ever met, and we’re seeing those countries handling this virus far superior then that TURD we have here in America.
    I spent over 25 years driving a truck across America I’ve been to all but 1 state Alaska, I can assure you the worst states I’ve been in for poverty are all in the south, some places I’ve been to down south remind me of the poverty I’ve seen in 3’rd world countries, do you even know that in the richest country in the world we still have over 3 million children die every year from starvation alone, then you throw in health care, housing, education, ECT. and you’re probably over 10 million children die every year just so RETARDicans can protect the 1% and corporate America you want to try and convince me RETARDicans care about everyday Americans never going to happen with that TURD who’s in charge today.
    And as far as this God crap you morons spout everyday try to remind me where was God while Hitler took out millions of Jews in WW2 was God on vacation, did God take a few years off, maybe God couldn’t care less how many Jews Hitler took out. If there is a God where is he, why did he ignore people during the influenza 100 years ago millions died during that one, how many people have to die before your god shows up?
    Until then I’ll believe in scientific facts and professional Dr.’s when it’s safe to freely move around, but the absolutely last thing I’ll ever do is listen to a RETARDican that TURD you refer to as POTUS “yours not mine” or some God from a fairy tale book of fiction.
    Now you and all his cult followers go out mingle have fun run around like chickens with your heads cut off nobody’s stoping you from being ignorant and stupid after all this is a free country for now at least, until that TURD you worship places himself in as KING TURD OF AMERICA.


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