Home Politics Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Zeros In On Deep State Moles...

Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Zeros In On Deep State Moles & Spies Within The White House


Former U.S. Congressman Mark Meadows’ appointment by President Donald Trump as the White House Chief of Staff is involved in a project many conservatives have waited to see unfold: attacking the Deep State moles undermining the White House, one of the Uniformed Secret Service agents assigned to the special weapons and tactics unit within the White House reported to the Conservative Base editor.

While it appears President Trump and his administration are engulfed in addressing the global Coronavirus emergency and the news media are consumed with attempting to pin blame on Trump, Meadows is said to be using his time wisely to uncover moles and spies who populate the White House.

Some of these moles are entrenched in many of the agencies in which Deep State, radical Democrats and “establishment” Republicans plot against Trump or leak “fake” news to favored reporters.

Former Democratic presidential candidate and mayor Mike Bloomberg, who owns the leftist Bloomberg News, reported that Meadows already has the suspected moles and leakers in the White House looking over their shoulders.

Even prior to Trump’s election, Meadows sought to identify RINO (Republicans in Name Only) within the halls of congress as a co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus.

Today, Meadows is credited with already plugging some of the leaks and he’s quietly stamping out the progressive underground rebellion, “eliminating those who aren’t fully on board with the White House agenda,” according to the NOQ Report, an online news and commentary.

While everyone else is distracted by social-distancing and Coronavirus confusion — much of it done intentionally by the news-media propagandists — Meadows is quietly hunting moles.

“That fits his methods perfectly. Meadows likes to sneak under the radar like a ninja. Closet liberal staffers are terrified. President Trump has known since his first day on the job that the White House was infested with moles. “Many of the people in there have had their own agenda. It was rife with leaks,” NOQ Report notes.

via conservativebase


    • You sound like Stalin, Hitler or Mao-Tse Tung. Are you a Russian mole, trying to undermine the US democracy and turn the US into a dictatorship? Go back to Russia, you traitor.

      • What essential part of our democratic way of life, our representative republic, is made better by dishonest spies who inhabit the inner circles of the Executive Branch and do all they can to undermine the President’s initiatives and agenda? Where were you when Prez Lite Obama was weaponizing the whole Exec Branch from the IRS to the DO”J” to the three-letter agencies, then using those agencies to spy on his political rivals? Dem hypocrites, we’ve heard all we need to hear from you for a lifetime.

          • In the context Hillary uttered that insult, it was actually a compliment.
            Every time you corrupt Dem clowns take over, it’s a disaster. You just don’t get it. Wealth redistributes itself to those who earn or create it in this country; you know, those that work hard, plan carefully, take risks, etc. You will never have your Dem Utopian Nanny State giant government that stays in our shorts all the time. That notion is the very antithesis of the United States of America. If big, intrusive government is what you want, get the hell out. Do it now. This will never be a Socialist state. You will lose the House in November. People are tired of bogus, wasteful, divisive investigations being conducted just because you spoiled clowns didn’t get your way 3 years ago. This is especially true when the previous Administration was worse and has not yet been held accountable. That is on the way, though. Enjoy the Obama Admin indictments, and the next five years of Trump continuing to drain your corrupt swamp. Enjoy…

          • Mr. Williamson, I take it that you can not defend your point of view using logic or history or common sense, since you immediately resort to name calling. Just how old are you? My guess puts your mental age between 8 and twelve. Who then is the true “deplorable” as you so eloquently put it. It’s bad enough that you resort to such tactics, but then you parrot Hillary ‘Loser’ Clinton. Learn from the past so that it is not repeated.

          • Just more lies upon more lies, that’s a liberal tactic , keep telling the same lies over and over and hope people believe the BS!!! Example is the Impeachment scam the dims tried to use and it was all based on LIES and more LIES!!!

      • We don’t have a democracy, idiot. We have a republic,
        “Government by the people for the people” !!!! Go back and take a civics course. Democracies and socialist governments have all failed.

      • You sir sound like the most Ignorant person I’ve heard Lately! Are you a paid troll from the Clinton Foundation Mafia spreading Propaganda?

      • No he is correct. Trump should have rooted out the see e democrat ass wipes years ago. They leak government secrets. They pretend to be whistleblowers even when they have no first hand knowledge, and they provide insider info to the democrats which neatly make their way to Rachael madcow.

        Everyone of them should be fired, not laid off, fired.

      • One thing about the Demacrots that they just prove over and over is when they accuse someone of doing something they have either done it or they are going to do it. Reading what Paul Williamson writes says it all. All the Dems want is money, power and dictatorship. They just don’t get it that if everyone is doing good there is enough to go around for everyone..they would sooner screw over people in this country to make their self’s more powerful and money.


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  3. I don’t understand people.When you are in certain positions and you don’t like the commander you put in a request to go to a different house,department etc.Real men and women don’t RAT.Just because I don’t like your style or agenda means absolutely nothing. When this man received 63 mil votes from the people who are paying your pitiful ass.We have gone through hell for 4 yrs ,just imagine how our President feels constantly under this Shit.Thank You Mr. Meadows go get them out of there.

    • When are going to learn? Demonrats aren’t real men and women. They’ve been pounding that into our heads for 3 years!

  4. A man with Integrity going after parasites without Dignity and no moral principles. It’s about time to root out the Obama left over garbage, should have been done three years ago…

    • As John Boehner, former Republican Speaker of the House said, Mark Meadows is the dumbest Congressman he ever met. Meadows can’t even find his way to the bathroom. His only qualification is his big lips to kiss trump’s you know what.

  5. Long before Our last president too.
    I’m very glad to see this happening. I’m surprised it isnt a normalcy for the White House.

  6. Don’t understand why it has taken this long. Them have done So much damage. They are fear mongering now over the Covid19 they want to keep it going until Election Day. Keep Biden from debating Trump and out of the Marcia blame Trump for this virus and steal the election with mail in vote corruption.

    • Absolutely! I suspected this from day one that this whole thing is just one big sham. The Demrats acting in concert to use the Chinese COVID19 Virus release to their advantage and to try and hinder Trump in is job. I believe that they failed and that their duplicity may have actually helped the POTUS. One thing is clear from all of this nonsense, the USA has to break totally from China and Pelosi and Schumer have to either be voted out or impeached from political office. They are both traitors to the American people.

  7. Bloomberg was a piece of cake himself! Flashed his billions around like a hotshot then welched on paying his campaign workers! Typical liberal SOB!

  8. Past time for all the sissies to get kicked out, no balls…get the hell out. Cry to mommie on your own time, not the tax payers dime…

    Trump 2020!!!

  9. paul williamson,
    Your postings lead me to believe you are unable to pour piss out of a boot when the directions are written on the sole.

  10. I hope he makes a public spectacle of each and every one he finds, so the nation can know with certainty how corrupt the Obama administration was.

    • I agree, but what really needs to happen is that the sealed indictments on Obama and his corrupt appointed Exec Branch agency leadership need to hit the courts soon. It’s a wide net, and I understand that it is taking time. That’s obviously what all of these bogus Dem investigative attempted distractions have been about; the multiple felonies committed by Obama and his crooks. There is a lot of guilt on that side of the aisle; even their low-info, lie-manipulated minions like paul williamson must sense it. Hence, their desperation.

      • With what the demonrats have done to their own constituency during this Wuhan virus shutdown, they are in real danger of loosing their political careers. Nancy and Chuck stood in the way of the CARES Act, and that alone will be enough to sour enough of their voters in 2020. People remember their hurts far longer than the demons anticipated. They really shot both feet this time. Trump’s approval ratings across the board, in all polls show improvement because of what has happened.
        Now that some demon governors are singing his praises, the demon media can’t keep slinging their crap and have dummycrats believe it right away. They are starting to ask questions. Shocker!

    • Gerry be careful what you wish for. When he cleaned out the swamp all the rats he found came from his administration. Now it’s the deep state I can’t wait to see more RETARDicans going down.

      • Pete-repeat, Go back to China.
        Being in his administration and from his administration are two different scenarios that even the most idiotic moron should be able to figure out. Where does that leave you?
        If there ARE rats found, no matter where they came from, conservatives would LIKE to see them convicted. We don’t protect traitors.

  11. Well Shirley, let’s take a look at the Chicago Shoe Shine Kings daddy, lied on his Harvard application and was deported. Stated he was never married before hooking up with Shines mother when in fact he was still married in Kenya. Typical black Muslim, use the woman to try for permanent entry to our country along with a free education like Shine received.But just the same, Trump was a Millionaire before Shine made his Millions with Old Corn POP and little crack head Hunter through the Shanghai-Free-Trade Zone…

  12. It is usually futile to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.
    Thomas Sowell

  13. All these problems are because for years we’ve had idiot House Reps & Senators in the GOP who cared more about being a gentleman or know as a nice person or being bipartisan with their supposed friends across the aisle. Look what & where that’s got us. Now some realize finally that they have been dealing with dirty double crossing scumbags in the Democrat Party. When it’s to the point were at now and they finally see what’s happened & on the brink of our country’s collapse as we know it, some are wakeing up. After the Kavanaugh hearings, the continuous attack on the President from all levels of government & media they have started to get the true picture. The GOP is finally realizing that they have been in a gun fight using their blanks. It’s going to take more new & younger people in the GOP to do it because still too many Rhinos left. Term Limits & young fighters is the only way to take our country back but it will take four more for Trump and real prison time for the Deep State to change the way things get done per our founding fathers intentions.

    • Tank, you are spot on my friend. I have said for years now that the Republicans just don’t know how to fight anymore. The one thing you have to give the Demrat scoundrals is that they stick together and they will do anything to win. The Republicans have become such weenies over the last several years that it is sickening. I am still angry that they have made no one pay for the Russia Collusion hoaxes. Illegal FISA warrants, lies, cheating and not one criminal indictment, not one!. The biggest political fiasco in American history and the Republicants let it go unavenged.

  14. I believe the punishment for traitors is still public hanging. You could sell the event and people would pay $50 EACH to watch it. You know, like the boxing matches or special sporting events. You could sell advertisments and make even more. Imagine Adam Schiff on the end of a rope. His neck would even be longer. Stretch that baby.

  15. Hand claps to Meadows! Pres Trump can fire those he wishes to, & there have been so many damaging ‘leaks’ & accusations by ‘anomymous’ sources—those in the White House who are actively undermining, sensationalizing & reporting back to Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, etc in schemes & plotting to bring down & impeach Pres Trump. Maybe, finally, these traitors will be sent packing. I look forward to seeing them getting fired. They’re lucky if they’re not charged w/treason & slander. Scum of the earth, soon jobless!

  16. I’d love to have that job…. It should have been started on the day of the Inauguration… Kind of late at this point but better late than never….Kiss ass Mr. Meadows.

  17. This great news but it is really three years too late. I wish Trump had started doing this after being inaugurated, he may have suffered much less. It is just too bad that we as a nation are so “civilized” as I prefer the methods of the leaking Rat Control utilized by some of the more unsavory countries we have to deal with.

  18. All I’m seeing here is even bigger CRY BABIES then the CRY BABY IN CHIEF HIMSELF COWARD CADET BONE SPURS.
    I’m offering free cheese to go with your wine CRY BABIES.

  19. I said from the beginning, if you cannot relieve them of their duties or fire them, then put them in a corner together and give them busy work, keep them away from what your plans really are and have other trusted people to do those plans.


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