Home Social Greta “Put Them Against The Wall” Thunberg Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

Greta “Put Them Against The Wall” Thunberg Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize


Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

17-year-old Climate alarmist Greta Thunburg has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, prompting the internet to attempt to re-balance the scales of sanity back from bat-shit-crazy.

Thunberg has been nominated for the 2020 prize by two leftist Swedish lawmakers, Jens Holm and Hakan Svenneling, according to reports.

The pair argued that Greta “has worked hard to make politicians open their eyes to the climate crisis.” and that her efforts have contributed to “reducing our emissions and complying with the Paris Agreement.”

The liberal politicians claim that this is “therefore also an act of making peace.”

Greta’s antics of skipping school to fly and motor boat all over the planet lecturing everyone about carbon emissions, while cameras follow her every move, and her dad writes her social media posts, earned her a TIME Magazine person of the year award in 2019.

Thunberg never made it over to China or India, however, where the world’s worst environmental impact is emanating from. instead, she opted to scowl at President Trump and threatened to put Western leaders “against the wall”.


The news of the Nobel nomination for Greta, was met with… shall we say ‘skepticism’:


And then there’s this…


via zerohedge


  1. This moron needs placed behind a,wall..as in a mental ward.
    Even the thought of disgracing such a prestigious award by
    nominating an absolute brain dead twit.
    How about the President of our great nation.

  2. Well, I guess if they can award it to Obama for being half black and for doing nothing after 9 months in office, they can sure give it to a 17-yr.-old know-nothing, spoiled brat whose father supposedly writes her tweets. They are fools.

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