Update: House minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) responded to Monday’s announcement, tweeting “It’s been 34 days since Nancy Pelosi unilaterally declared her impeachment inquiry. Today’s backtracking is an admission that this process has been botched from the start. We will not legitimize the Schiff/Pelosi sham impeachment.”
It’s been 34 days since Nancy Pelosi unilaterally declared her impeachment inquiry.
Today’s backtracking is an admission that this process has been botched from the start.
We will not legitimize the Schiff/Pelosi sham impeachment.
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) October 28, 2019
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Monday that a vote will be held this Thursday “that affirms the ongoing, existing investigation that is currently being conducted by our committees” as part of the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, according to the Washington Post.
House Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA) said the vote would “ensure transparency and provide a clear path forward” as their investigations continue.
The resolution will authorize the disclosure of deposition transcripts as well as set forth due process rights for President Trump, according to Pelosi. It will also establish a procedure for open hearings.
Pelosi sent the following letter to House Democrats (emphasis ours):
Dear Democratic Colleague,For weeks, the President, his Counsel in the White House, and his allies in Congress have made the baseless claim that the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry “lacks the necessary authorization for a valid impeachment proceeding.” They argue that, because the House has not taken a vote, they may simply pretend the impeachment inquiry does not exist.Of course, this argument has no merit. The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.” Multiple past impeachments have gone forward without any authorizing resolutions. Just last week, a federal court confirmed that the House is not required to hold a vote and that imposing such a requirement would be “an impermissible intrusion on the House’s constitutional authority.” More than 300 legal scholars have also refuted this argument, concluding that “the Constitution does not mandate the process for impeachment and there is no constitutional requirement that the House of Representatives authorize an impeachment inquiry before one begins.”
The Trump Administration has made up this argument — apparently out of whole cloth — in order to justify its unprecedented cover-up, withhold key documents from multiple federal agencies, prevent critical witnesses from cooperating, and defy duly authorized subpoenas.This week, we will bring a resolution to the Floor that affirms the ongoing, existing investigation that is currently being conducted by our committees as part of this impeachment inquiry, including all requests for documents, subpoenas for records and testimony, and any other investigative steps previously taken or to be taken as part of this investigation.This resolution establishes the procedure for hearings that are open to the American people, authorizes the disclosure of deposition transcripts, outlines procedures to transfer evidence to the Judiciary Committee as it considers potential articles of impeachment, and sets forth due process rights for the President and his Counsel.We are taking this step to eliminate any doubt as to whether the Trump Administration may withhold documents, prevent witness testimony, disregard duly authorized subpoenas, or continue obstructing the House of Representatives.Nobody is above the law.
Here is @SpeakerPelosi’s letter to colleagues announcing vote this week on resolution that affirms ongoing impeachment inquiry and authorizes making hearings, deposition transcripts, etc public pic.twitter.com/NSGM8GpAPE
— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) October 28, 2019
Still unclear what's prompting Dems to hold vote now, especially after significant court ruling on Friday affirming that House doesn't need to vote to enter into an impeachment inquiry.
Several senior Dems said they had no idea this was coming, are also questioning rationale
— Heather Caygle (@heatherscope) October 28, 2019
The announcement comes after former deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman - who served as a deputy to former national security adviser John Bolton - filed a Friday lawsuit seeking guidance from a federal judge as to whether he should follow the advice of the executive branch, which has instructed him not to attend, or Congress, according to the Post.
As the judge has yet to rule on his request, Kupperman declined to appear.
Kupperman was on the line when President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky held a July 25 discussion in which Trump requested investigations into Democratic rival Joe Biden, as well as allegations of Ukrainian election meddling in 2016 to benefit Hillary Clinton.
via zerohedge
This is being done at the last minute so that if impeached Pence will NOT have enough time to establish himself as worthy to be president. Also, it will be hard for the republicans to find someone else to run. It’s another way to rig the election.
I believe you on this, but though I like VP Pence, President Trump will lead the way. Republicans lost face for me a LONG time ago. President Trump brought back the dignity and GREAT work ethic to this Party.
If the Republicans allow this, then in my mind, there as dangerous as the Dems.
President Trump 2020
You have got to be kidding! Dignity? Work ethnic? You really have been into the Koolaide heavily haven’t you. Or did he pay you to say to untrue things about him?
lol, thanks for the chuckle. Dignity, yep he has it. Work Ethic, yep that as well.
No Koolaide drinker here. Just because I’m from New Jersey, doesn’t mean I drink the koolaide. That’s the Dems/Libs and never trumpers. I hear Nancy helps with putting a little of her vodka in it. lol.
And regarding being paid, you must think I’m a political troll. Nope just a well read, fact finding TRUE AMERICAN who posts. They hate types like me in New Jersey, lol.
You have a nice day. Hope you enjoy YOUR koolaid.
I’ve also heard that Trump never seems to get more than 4-5 hours of sleep each night, and he’s always at 110% energy. Staffers and reporters half his age have trouble keeping up with him. He works all the time. That’s one (of many) reasons why he won in 2016: he led an active (very active) campaign, doing rallies all over the country. The cackling old witch went for weeks at a time when nobody knew whether she was alive or was she dead. She also failed to campaign in many of those states she took for granted (the “Blue Wall” that crumpled when the votes were counted). Donald Trump didn’t become a billionaire by resting on his butt. He works hard and believes in results.
Estell, I see your point. Except McConnell has the power to drag on the Senate trial to give Pence time to establish himself as being “worthy” (except this was supposed to have been done before he was elected, just like for the presidential candidate). But McConnell has already said he intends to have the trial completed before Christmas holidays. So I guess he isn’t worried that Pence hasn’t established himself worthy.
Sham, definitely. STOP THE CRAZY TRAIN! Conductor Nervous Nancy, with her First Commander Shift-for-brains, along with the HATEFUL Never-Trumpers have run this charade for WAY TOO LONG, costing the American people not just money but NO ONE to do the BUSINESS OF THE PEOPLE.
If it wasn’t for President Trump, NOTHING, I mean NOTHING would be done.
Protecting Americans from Foreign HATERS
Tax Cuts (feel mine every time I get my paycheck, WOO HOO!)
This is an absolute disgrace! And as an American citizen, who’s TIRED OF THE WASTE, those who feel this was a good strategy to being this “coup”, need to STAND a REAL trial for the attack.
And it’s not just an attack against OUR President, but the AMERICAN CITIZENS!
Karen, did you read Pelosi’s message? A judge has said what they have been doing is legal.
Actually, the House has passed at least 366 bills since January. Few have made it through the Senate, indicating the Senate is sitting on them rather than having hearings, making amendments, etc.
Thank you. I did read and comprehend Pelosi’s message. And regarding the judge that said it’s been done legally, I would want to know who appointed that judge. Why you ask?
See my rep, Mr. Mickey “get me a retired Clinton judge to get out of my trouble of following the law”, is part of this “coup” thru the Mueller crazy train, which showed nothing and cost MILLIONS. Helping author a letter in 2018, which is pointing a finger at someone’s wrong doing while going thru a NJ kangaroo court, not only with an appointed Clinton Judge out of retirement, but with illegal aliens sitting as jury.
House passed 366 bills, lol. Probably all to change things to make this “coup” work. Senate sitting on them? And who is the head of the Senate?
Current floor leaders
The current leaders are Senators Mitch McConnell (R) from Kentucky and Chuck Schumer (D) from New York.
Schumer, Mickey’s friend and McConnell, who IMHO does nothing and has his on personal skeletons. You what they say, happy wife, happy life?
That judge is another liberal Trump hater.
…they are nothing but bills to give dimwitshits more money, power, and the ability to do whatever they want…Senate is rightfully dragging their feet, as more important business is waiting…
Thanks for printing the actual message from Pelosi. Now people don’t have to, nor should they, speculate on the process so far and going forward. People can research further based on points she made, e.g., the court decision that what they have been doing is legal, and that supposedly over 300 legal scholars have refuted claims the current process is illegitimate.
One way I saw the process explained is the closed hearings (the includes all members on the investigating committees - Democrats and Republicans) are like the closed door proceedings of a grand jury that is gathering evidence to determine if a crime was committed. Then when the House finishes this portion, like a grand jury, the findings go to the Senate and handed over to the accused, and the Senate conducts the trial- like procedure wherein the accused can provide rebuttal of the charges with witnesses, cross examining the House’s witnesses, etc.,
I expect Pelosi is being strategic with opening up hearings now because this will eliminate the Republicans argument that the impeachment is illegal.
“I expect Pelosi is being strategic with opening up hearings now because this will eliminate the Republicans argument that the impeachment is illegal.”
Definitely can see that, but then again I’m with President Trump when he states
“Where’s the Whistleblower? Just read the Transcript, everything else is made up garbage by Shifty Schiff and the Never Trumpers!” Trump wrote on Twitter.”
All Nancy is doing is playing “political games”. And those “political games” are being done to keep herself and the rest of the crazy train cast of characters OUT OF GITMO!
Nancy overlooked one very important point. She stated that the House of Representatives has the power to impeach. That is correct. However, it does not say that the leader has the right to only select a handful of specially selected members to impeach. Why do you think she now wants to but it before the whole assembly? Because she is in violation of the Constitution. watch what happens when the president’s lawyers get started. Pelosi and the dems are just trying to destroy the Republican party chances next year. Sadly they bombed themselves.
its all a coverup of $3.1 billion foreign aid usa tax dollars obama sent to Ukrine deposited in Kerry/Biden/Romney controlled Burisma Energy which Clinton boy Manafort arranged to be snuck out of Ukraine and audits prove it happened
You are absolutely correct! This is another Hail Mary by the Pelosi and Schiff to try to keep their crimes from being revealed. They thought Hillary would win and their crimes would be kept in the dark and would continue. Surprise!! Trump comes on the scene and upsets their apple cart. End of scurrying around in the darkness.
Dr.Embry you are absolutely right.
When are the dumercrat going to be impeached and investigated when will the American people see justice being done
Thats what I would like to know! There are NO Republicans in the house? Where were they at? Not allowed?
when we get off our ass and do it ourselves we the people
Isn’t this cute, Nancy and Chuckie playing “lets pretend” with legislation. Healthcare you say? Will this be the kind of “sign it before you read it” kind of legislation? Kind of like the “crazy train impeachment coup” you got going on?
Sorry Nancy and Chuckles, can’t distract me. Know EXACTLY what you are doing.
And regarding this:
“House Resolution 326, introduced by Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-Calif.), expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that only the outcome of a two-state solution can ensure Israel remains a Jewish and Democratic state and fulfill legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.”
Hey Dems, STOP getting involved in something that is NOT your business. Don’t care what “the squad” wants.
Wayne, you really should do three (3) things:
1) Learn how to spell
2) Don’t use ALL CAPS
3) Consider having someone else proof-read your message before posting
Other than that, I appreciate your enthusiasm!
Thanks, CobraRGuy
Wayne, this isn’t a college English class and I am not proof reading your work lol your fine and I am with you! Some people don’t understand we are typing from very small cell phones, plus we work and don’t have a lot of time to write essays.
Hey Nancy, looks like someone isn’t following your leadership, or “coup message”?
“Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have introduced a resolution condemning the Democrats’ secret impeachment.” The measure has 50 Republican cosponsors.
“Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) do not support it.”
Wonder why? Can we say, “never trumpers”! Oh the political games we have to endure.
My sentiment is, if you turned Nancy Pelosi upside down and shook her, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell would fall out of her azz!
Kudos to McCarthy! NO ONE SHOULD AUTHORIZE THIS SHAM! Pelosi’s REASON for doing this, is to try and get people to abandon Trump and vote for one of the worthless thugs that are running as democrats, because she knows that President Trump is destined to have another term in office. No one in their right mind would vote for a democrat any more, in light of that party being dissolved and absorbed into the Soros/Clinton/Obama Mafia, and their plans for a communistic one world order, with themselves running the rest of the world and its slaves!
iam so tired of this crap going on in congress it’s bad for country and the american people gone on long enough if we the people will stand i will stand with to put a stop to this stupid ass game they are playing at our expense
TRUMP will not be impeached and he will win in 2020 and in the next few months the LEFT MEDIA and the DIMWITT PARTY will be crashing to earth ! They are only trying to speed up this WITCH HUNT IMPEACHMENT to hide the REAL CRIMES committed by the Dimwitts by Obozo, Clinton, the FBI, CIA, and DOJ! YOU CAN COUNT ON IT!
This game of Clue will never be solved by Pelosi/Shitt because they’ll run out of players. I’d love to have someone with legalees write a petition (to post on the WH site for petitions) that would say the Anti Trumpers involved in the scandals and investigations must repay the salary they received while doing nothing for the taxpayers since they’re not working for us but themselves. Then 5A65post the site and petition to be signed on these articles every day so enough people can sign. Address the petition to President Trump and hope he would pass it.
Let’s just clean House ; it seems they feel only they know the truth.
Okay but WHY did the DNC do it since 2013 and in 2015 to get trump ??????
Still - I’m going to wait until Barr and Durham have finished and then Folks —- Civil war….The whole of DC and it’s swamp rats must be dealt with and it’ll be up to WE THE PEOPLE as usual…
Every Politician..
Every Judge
Every lawyer.
Every POS will and must have Justice served upon them…..
People MUST become “Citizens Arrest” or “BOUNTY HUNTER’ Knowledgeable…..
The law permits this but they will claim people are nothing but vigilantes as usual….The system will not go after the scum….
The constitution may say the house has rights, But does it say tht only part of the house has the rights. When the doors are closed and legitimate members are not able to use the same ways of getting infomtion, (such as questioning the subjects, talking to thier constuiens, leaking to the press, etc) as the Democrats do, then you can see tht only a select bunch of Democrat con artists do not make up the house. Only the corrupt side of it.
After having given this impeachment push much thought and looking back in time it appears to me this is all about creating Socalistic Goverment.
Let me explain, for many years the Democrats have been trying to change the Constitution, to get rid of parts of it that they dislike. Usher in Obama , next Obama care.It was deliberately designed to impoverish we the people so we would pushing for Goverment controlled Heath care. Remember Nancy Pelosie saying we must pass it to find out what is in it. She did not care what it’s specifics were, it’s main goal was socialism, the biggest single grosse national product. The designer of Obama Care even said it was meant to become Goverment Controlled health care.
Well election 2016 came around and Hillery Clinton was supposed to win. Well Trump beat Hillery so the Democrats brought in there insurance policy, Russian Collusion. This was intended to drive Trump out or bring about Impeachment. Hillery was supposed to usher in the next phase of socialism.
I would like you to think about why the Russian Collusion investigation Did Not track it back to how it was started. To me it seams quite obvious, to protect Democratic individuals involved in a coup. I really wonder where Adam Shift fits into this, since he has repeatedly and continuously lied saying he had positive proof of Russian Collusion, obviously he Did not !!!
While all of this is going on then we have the Kavinaugh Senate confirmation going on then enter the Ford alligations. The Ford allegations were unsubstantiated and yet all Democratic Senators except one threw out our rule of law and have vowed to have Kavinaugh Impeached even before he is sworen in. Have you ever asked your self why? My belief is it didn’t matter who Trump selected the result would of been the same unless it was a judge who was far left. Why far left you ask, well far left would mean the Democrats could pass laws to undo the Constitution. Something they have been trying to do for quite some time.
It appears to me the Democrats are trying very hard to bring in Socialism promising free health care,free college,free day care and free income if you don’t want to work and who knows what else free. Once the chains of socialism are hung on us we are no longer a free people.!!
The truth be known to sell freedom for health care college day care or any thing else is pure Insanity! ! !
Trump all the way!!!! It is all a sham. If the GOP goes for it then they are labeled with the dems & need to be put out. Dems are doing nothing but whining. Need depend undergarments & pacifiers. Send them to them!
This “sham” impeachment is nothing more than a criminal act perpetrated by the Dumbascraps in pushing a libelous and slanderous game of lies and they should be held criminally liable.
This is not a “sham” impeachment. It is based on facts. But the base needs to try to understand that facts matter. Not Fox News conspiracy theories like this article.
Due process is the basis of law in our country the dems are eliminating that from our democracy. If you have the ability to examine this rationally with out bias this process is being violated. Pelosi and Shiff have held closed door meetings and are attempting to subvert our democracy this can be compared to a communist inquisition this if allowed to continue it will bring about the demise of our country. And as we have seen the Democrats believe that they are best suited to pick up the pieces. As you can see they have failed to present facts and do not have a plan for success for America and Americans or they would defeat all republicans simply by the vote. Observe the world. There is not a successful form of communism or socialism when compared to our democracy.