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Biden Accuser Speaks: ‘Not The First Time Acting Inappropriately With Women’; Dick Durbin Defends


The former Nevada state assemblywoman who accused Joe Biden of creepy behavior in 2014 said on Sunday that she wants the former VP and possible 2020 Democratic presidential contender to “acknowledge that it was wrong.”

Lucy Flores claimed in a Friday Op-Ed in The Cut that Biden crept up behind her at a 2014 political event, grabbed her shoulders, ‘inhaled’ her hair, and then planted a “big slow kiss” on the back of her head.

On Sunday, Flores recounted the incident on CNN‘s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper, stating that amid the chaos and energy of the event, Biden “very unexpectedly and out of nowhere,” Biden “put his hands on my shoulders, get up very close to me from behind, lean in, smell my hair, and then plant a slow kiss on the top of my head.”


Biden responded to the allegations at 3AM on Sunday through communications director Bill Russo, saying in a statement: “In my many years on the campaign trail and in public life, I have offered countless handshakes, hugs, expressions of affection, support and comfort. And not once - never - did I believe I acted inappropriately.”

Apparently Biden hasn’t seen footage of himself gently caressing children’s faces or trying to kiss them in front of their parents, or groping women from behind.

Flores responded to Biden’s statement, saying that Biden’s ‘intentions’ don’t matter in comparison to the “women on the receiving end of that behavior,” adding “this isn’t the first time, and it wasn’t the only incident where he was acting inappropriately with women.” She also noted the many documented photos and videos of Biden creeping on people.

When asked what she was looking for from Biden, Flores said “Of course I want him to change his behavior. And I want him to acknowledge that it was wrong. And I want this to be a bigger discussion about how there is no accountability structure within our political space. … We are not protected in politics.”

Durbin Defends

When asked by MSNBC‘s Chuck Todd about the allegations, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois said he “knows nothing” about them, but that “Certainly one allegation is not disqualifying, but it should be taken seriously.”

Biden’s odds of winning the 2020 election, meanwhile, have plummeted below Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris according to PredictIt.

via zerohedge


  1. I read in one of these blogs that Bite-Me use to have female Secret Service Agents GUARD/WATCH him swim naked in his VICE POOL!!!! Go to U-tube CREEPY UNCLE JOE for more UGH details!!!

  2. But it does seem funny that she’s come forward now after 5 years.. This was to have happened back in ’14. But now since he’s contemplating running for pres.

    • That dumb lying bitch BlahBlah ford waited 30 years to come forward with her psychotic paid for lies…conveniently when Bret Kavenaugh was going through his confirmation process.

      The demokrauts opened this can of worms and now they can enjoy having it rammed down their throats. The bonus is they are so devoid of integrity, they will use this tactic to try and ruin one another.
      Dumb asses deserve this in spades!!!

  3. What about the professor that the democrates got to say she was sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanagh after 35 plus yrs.

  4. The msm always drools over democrats, usually on thier knees at that. But Uncle Joe might not get the msm’s blessings this time because the’re going “gaga” over Bozo O’Rooke and Caramel Hairbrained. Oh, l almost forgot them getting “The Burn”. The MSM: Mostly Socialist Media….

  5. Interestingly, Biden is not included in the Liberal agenda as we see by these sex-assault charges coming out of the wood work. Of course, he is a white, male Christian, who has a real chance of beating Trump, so that may be why. But I think the real reason the powers that be don’t want him running is because he cannot be bought, and he won’t play their game. He will not be a party to Big Pharm and the need for aborted baby parts to bulk-up their research and drug industry. I smell a rat and his name is Soros.

  6. This is no big deal. Unc Joe has grouped many people and on TV no less. Let us be honest here. This criminal is above our laws!

  7. We all know that the democrat’s are NOT held to the same standards…Just look at Virginia…you have two racist’s & a rapist’s running that state…No problem, everyone just ignores it!

  8. Wait one minute democrats, even with all of the videos now floating around which clearly show some creepy behavior why won’t the Democrats use the same narrative against Biden that they used against Bret Kavanaugh which is the woman should always be believed . They walked into the hearings with a now wealthy go fund me millionaire claiming crimes from 35 years ago that no one could back up on that woman’s word alone and without any proof. Why do the democrats form of justice not apply when it’s one of their own beloved members being accused and where are Alissa Millano and the other Hollywood women at now to stand up for these women making the claims against Biden. This clearly shows Millano and Hollywood are in it for the politics and not to protect women


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