Home Politics 34% Of Michigan Trump Rally Attendees Were Registered Democrats: Parscale

34% Of Michigan Trump Rally Attendees Were Registered Democrats: Parscale


Approximately 34% of attendees at President Trump’s Thursday night rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan were registered Democrats, according to Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Speaking on Saturday with Fox News‘ Jesse Watters, Parscale explained that the campaign uses the phone numbers of attendees to look up their voter information.

“We had tens of thousands of registrants, I believe 34% of the people who came to the Michigan rally were Democrats,” said Parscale, adding “Almost half had only voted once in the last four elections.”

When asked if the campaign was still harvesting information on various demographics, Parscale said: “I’m harvesting nearly a million voters data information in key swing states every month.”

“That must terrify the Democrats,” interjected Watters.

“Yeah, we are - put it this way, we are four times ahead of where we were in 2016 and I plan on being 6 to 8 times ahead in data, that’s tens of millions of records.

via zerohedge


    • Exactly! They went to the rally to learn, first hand, what they’ve been seeing on TV since Trump announced his decision to run. And know they know for certain the this guy is even worse in person than they could ever have imagined. His boorish and insulting comments not withstanding, the thing he said at this most recent rally are living proof that he is a moron who has not a clue about what the real American public, those that really and truly give a shit about our country want in their president: morality, grace, humility, an interest in learning, truth, bravery, a history of serving their country, a history of caring about their country, a history of giving to their country, a history of loving their country, a sense of logic, a sense of reason, a distain for self serving, a distain for egocentricity, the ability to see beyond the damage that lobbyists have done to our country and a desire to end their rein over our elected officials. One has only to listen to the mindless ravings of Trump at one of his rally’s with a clear and open mind to understand just how unbelievably unqualified he is to sit in the Oval Office. If Americans are looking for a way to rid our country of the plague Trump has spread they will continue to infiltrate his rally and chant meaningful things like “get the fuck off this stage; get the fuck out of Washington, before we tar and feather you……..and take Donald Trump Jr. and the rest of your corrupt family with you.

      • I think the dems are coming to get the truth for themselves. The country is better off now than it has been in yrs. voting for the dems means that we will be just like Venezuela in a few yrs. think people dems are spending our tax dollars on illegals. That is all they are talking about

      • Dr.Richard……? Really”? Me thinks You Are A Bore A Prude And a Far Left Bolshevik… Eh…? Who Cares what You think..America Voted..and You………………….LOST’! Get Over It””!

      • Pull you head out of your ass! Another demorat that can’t see the forest for the shit on his brain, what am I saying, demorats HAVE ZERO BRAINS just open vacant anal passages that sit on their shoulders! If you really have an open mind then WHY don’t you realize that President Trump is the best thing that could have happened to the United States! Thank God we don’t have to deal with that old hag Killery!! That bitch needs to be in prison! The rest of the demorat field are a disgrace to the people of The United States!! They are self centered and empty shirts and absolutely worthless!!!

      • And you are so full of bovine excrement that your eyes are brown. By way Doc, you state that what the “real American public wants in their President” is : morality [ you mean like in Bill Clinton?], grace [ you mean like in Hillary?] humility, truth [ you mean like Barack Hussein Obama?] and a history of serving their country [ which I take to mean military service. I suppose you could go back to Jimmy Carter but you must realize that Clinton was a draft dodging, chicken shit coward and the Dems latest hero Barack Hussein Obama’s wife was never proud of or loved America until she moved into, of all things, the WHITE HOUSE. I suggest you take your whining to HuffPost.

      • Those registered democrats that attended Trump’s rally will be voting for Trump in 2020. They are tired of hearing how the liberals are trying to get back at President Trump and will destroy our country to do so. Trump will get record breaking votes from more democrats than ever before in addition to 90% of republicans.

      • Everyone knows your not a doctor.Your stupid statements confirmed that.Turn on the lights. Or go outside.Your brain is cooked.Don’t insult real doctors.Put down the comics.Real doctors know how to read.

  1. Democrats, wake up and smell the rotten fish in the Dems campaigns! They are all about Socialism/Communism and they are leading us toward the “death of a Nation” with the willful killing of the next generation! Seniors will be next on the agenda but be careful with that because several of the Dems are beyond that point already!

  2. Gotta love President Trump (I LOVE saying that!)! He is, indeed, a very smart man, and he is just what America needed at this time.

  3. Yes we were there with a lot of the DEMS that have realized that the DEMS/RINOS/MEDIA are the corruption here in the US………

    But then MANY of we the DEM LEGAL CITIZENS did not vote for that muslim illegal dicktator that tried to destroy the US when he clearly showed us that he was nothing more than a racist/bigot/muslim……..We did not know at the time that he was also KENYAN BORN…….

  4. I don’t trust the DNC ! If they’re people “seeing the light” Great! But don’t rule out a nefarious infiltration by the Dems.

  5. Most of my liberal friends have changed sides *because of* of the media. I always encourage them to do their research and find facts for themselves without being influenced by fake news. At first, they didn’t like spending 30 mins or more checking stories out, but it has become a game for them now in being able to speak as an informed voter. I think the abortion issue was a key swing to the right, then finding out the facts on the border crisis gave them a harder push to the right.

  6. Ed Watts, Sooooo true!

    EVERYONE VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN 2020, SAVE OUR COUNTRY! #WalkAway to the Republican party, we want and need you, your family and friends!

  7. If ,in fact, 34% of those attended were registered Democrats? That can easily translate into a 2020 election blowout! Just what the Democratic Party needs as a form of medicine that may withdrawal their heads from their ass? Na, I doubt their heads will be withdrawn, I think their use to the comfort and smell.

  8. Liberal em bloodsucker you have just reinforce the liberal dem bloodsucking parasitical ersatz life form stereotype.
    Ypu are part of a group,of life forms, that were biorn without merit, worth, value ,morals honor or integrity.
    We have cordially despised you liberal dem bloodsucing parasites for 50 years, teh began to evolve in 2009. now, we hate you with a depth., intenity and bitterness, that has no bottom.
    Here it is for you garbage. The dat that Trumi s impeached, that day the civil war starts.
    There will be no cease fires and no armistices and when it is over there will be no loiberal dem bloodsuckers.

  9. Dr. “Dick” is no doctor. The Dems showing up at the Trump rally is very indicative of them wanting to know the truth and to appreciate what Trump has done.

  10. To identify yourself as a Doctor in a political statement and then try to impress with a rambling dissertation, shows a lack of confidence and immaturity. Sure President Trump has his abrasive personality, so do many other politicians; Waters, Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Shift, etc. etc. etc. Those who love this country know extreme measures will have to be taken to take US out of this downward spiral, and Trump is doing just that; he is what a real Doctor would prescribe.

  11. The one thing you will not have control over is voter fraud.That is the only thing there good at.Remember they can’t win with out it.The People will have no say.


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